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Formation of New Autonomous Region in Papua to Reduce Separatism


The New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua is seen as an effort to suppress the actions of the Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group (KST). In addition, the formation of the new autonomous region also aims to improve the welfare of Papuans.

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, considers that the formation of the new autonomous regions is able to reduce acts of terror from KST, and aims to increase the degree of welfare of the Papuan people.

​This was conveyed by Listyo when he gave his response regarding the burning incident of the Susi Air plane that occurred in Paro District, Nduga, mountainous Papua. Listyo said, the development of the operating area for the new autonomous region should have been accompanied by the development of the welfare area, of course it is expected that the number of KST will decrease.

​In 2022, the government has designated 4 new autonomous regions in Papua, namely South Papua , Central Papua, Highlands Papua and Southwest Papua . He has also ensured that the TNI and Polri will take firm action against groups that disturb security in Papua, including KST.

Apart from that, Listyo also emphasized that the TNI-Polri would tighten security and increase personnel in Papua’s vulnerable areas. He also hopes that there will be no more victims from the KST terror acts or other separatist groups.

On a different occasion, the Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Mathius Fakhiri hopes that the development of the new autonomous region which is a division of Papua can create a sense of security in the Land of Papua. Because officials along with religious leaders and community leaders in the area will immediately be felt in the community.

​He admitted that by taking a comprehensive approach, it is hoped that the security disturbances that have been launched by KST so far can decrease and even become safer.

​This is because many members of KST have kinship with officials in the regions so that if they get direct contact it is hoped that they will melt down and want to join again and participate in developing their area.

It was also acknowledged

KST members

​Please note that Papua’s land area, which is 3.5 times the size of Java Island, will of course be very difficult to regulate and secure the Papua region if it is only divided into 2 provinces, so that division or development of new autonomous regions is needed.

Previously , the Head of the MeePago Tribe Hans Mote stated that he fully agreed and would provide full support to the government for the division of a new autonomous region in the land of Papua.

​With the division of this new autonomous region, it is hoped that Papua will become more advanced and its development will be evenly distributed in every line so that its people can progress too.

In line with Hans Mote, Ondofolo Yanto Eluay, who is an Indigenous Tabi figure, also supports the government’s plan for the expansion of a new autonomous region in Papua.

On different occasions Vice President Ma’ruf Amin hopes that the formation of four new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua Province can be a way of change or a game changer for solving problems in Papua, both welfare and security issues.

Ma’ruf also hopes that the formation of a new province in Papua will make services to the people of Papua more massive. This is because so far services in the vast region of Papua have only been concentrated in the provinces of Papua and one in West Papua.

​The realization of the New Autonomous Region in Papua can be the best effort in presenting accelerated development and equity as rights that must and must be received by Papuans who are part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia .

​With the existence of a new autonomous region, of course this will provide new opportunities for the Son of the Region to further develop their potential.

What’s more , this division has the goal of dividing the tasks of Regional Government to become more specific and reach a more detailed focus on regions and regional communities.

Many aspirations have developed in society for the establishment of a new autonomous region in Papua. The spirit of the expansion of Papua arises because of the vast territory and the need for accelerated development in the Land of Papua, as well as efforts to strengthen Indonesia’s territorial integrity.

​Security disturbances So that the development of new autonomous regions is one of the government’s efforts to accelerate development and ease the bureaucracy.

​After the new autonomous regions are built, it is hoped that people who want to take care of administration can get faster service because of the distance reduction.

​The formation of the new autonomous regions will certainly be accompanied by the construction of a new Polda office, so that it is hoped that security in Papua will get stronger and security disturbances in the easternmost region of Indonesia can be suppressed.

​Taking into account the vast territory of Papua as well as security and economic issues, the development of the new autonomous region is expected to be able to answer these problems, so that development will be more equitable and security will also be stronger.

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