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Giving Full Support, Puteri Indonesia is Optimistic that the Tourism and Handicraft Sector of MSMEs Can Take Advantage of the Momentum of the 2023 ASEAN Summit


West Manggarai – Ahead of the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, Puteri Indonesia and representatives of Indonesia’s Optimistic Youth Figures successfully held the event. Apart from that, the holding of this international event can expose tourist sites and UMKM handicrafts for the Labuan Bajo community.

One of the supports was conveyed by Giok Kinski, who currently has the status of Putri Indonesia DKI 1.

“I as Miss Indonesia DKI 1 in 2023 fully support the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo,” she said

Giok Kinski also believes that the people of Labuan Bajo will be able to take advantage of the event as a momentum to promote new tourist spots and craft locations full of cultural values ​​to the international community.

This is important because Labuan Bajo is one of the locations determined by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as a leading tourist destination in 2023.

Giok Kinski as the representative of Puteri Indonesia is optimistic that the holding of the ASEAN Summit will be able to match the success of the G20 Summit which was successfully held in Nusa Dua Bali in 2022.

“I believe the success of the G20 Summit in Bali last year will be repeated at the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo.”

In line with this, one of Indonesia’s young leaders, Tsamar Amani, also provided full support for the 2023 ASEAN Summit as an international event capable of providing a multiplier effect for the local community and the national economy.

“We have seen the maximum preparations that are being made by the Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and all related agencies,” he said.

In a different place, Vice Regional Director ID Next Leader West Sumatra, Arfinaldi also provided support for the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

“ASEAN youth supports efforts to enrich culture through leadership and entrepreneurship. These efforts, among others, support creative industries in enriching traditional cultures; apply the principle of entrepreneurship in social development efforts; accommodate the positive wishes of ASEAN youth who can have a constructive impact on society,” he said.

In addition to leadership and entrepreneurship, ASEAN youth also agreed to enrich culture through education with efforts including supporting ASEAN arts and culture study programs;

In addition, appreciation of different cultures, customs, and beliefs in the ASEAN region through education, training, apprenticeships and exchange programs can encourage the exchange of cultural actors and students among ASEAN countries; and support scholarships and apprenticeship programs in the cultural field.

In this regard, the West Manggarai Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) is committed to providing excellent service to heads of state and delegates to the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, NTT.

For this reason, the Chairman of the BPC PHRI West Manggarai Silvester Wanggel provided full support for the holding of the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo.

“I fully support holding the 42nd ASEAN Summit in 2023 in Labuan Bajo. We hope that the holding of the ASEAN Summit will be successful.

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