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The Mass Media Plays an Important Role in Overseeing the Priority Issues of the Indonesia ASEAN Summit


Indonesia hosted the 42nd ASEAN Summit which was held in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on 9-11 May 2023. The event, which was attended by the heads of ASEAN member countries in the Southeast Asia Region, was of course covered by thousands of journalists from various media channels. , both local and foreign. In this case, the mass media, both local and foreign, have a role in overseeing the priority issues of the ASEAN Summit

It cannot be denied that along with the advancement of information and communication technology, the development of communication media is also quite rapid. Communication media is a connecting tool that can help disseminate information.

The role and function of the mass media is even able to enter various aspects of people’s lives. The mass media is seen as a form of mass communication transportation, which can be defined as the dissemination of messages widely, rapidly, and continuously to large and diverse audiences in an effort to influence them in some way. The role and function of the mass media in the current era cannot be separated from the lives of the audience, it has become an important requirement in human communication. 

On one occasion, Dilla Amran as the Communication Strategy Team for the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), said that priority issues at the ASEAN Summit required cooperation and collaboration from all parties to succeed, not only the role of the government. The media can raise these issues so that the public understands what was discussed at the ASEAN Summit meetings and invites the public to actively participate in these issues,

The role of the media here is considered very important to report positive things and priority issues.

Telkomsel also supports the smooth running of members of the press in carrying out their duties. Director of Information Technology at Telkomsel, Bharat Alva said, Telkomsel has always contributed to the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Indonesia, as one of the efforts to expedite the reporting of information on a series of activities from the ASEAN Summit.

The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) provides a media center room that has a variety of complete facilities. The provision of this facility is so that media crews get accurate information considering that not all journalists can reach the location 

Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Usman Kansong explained that during the holding of the ASEAN Summit series in Labuan Bajo, the media center actively provided facilities in the form of internet networks, meeting schedules, official releases, photos and videos which can be used free of charge . 

In addition, for television media that requires an outdoor area, you can use every corner or empty space around the media center. The organizers also provide an auditorium for press conferences if there are sources who want to meet the media.

Regarding the holding of the ASEAN Summit, President Joko Widodo said that indeed in 2023, Indonesia would become the Chair of ASEAN in the midst of a very difficult global situation. However, Jokowi believes that ASEAN is still important and relevant to the people, the region and the world. 

According to President Jokowi, ASEAN will continue to contribute to peace and stability in the Indo Pacific. That ASEAN will continue to be able to maintain economic growth and according to our theme ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth.

Previously, the Director General for ASEAN Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sidharto R. Suryodipuro conveyed a number of priority issues to be discussed at the 2023 ASEAN Summit such as issues of food security, financial stability, energy security, as well as health issues. 

In the economic field, at the ASEAN Summit this time there are 3 Priorities Economic Deliverables Pillars or pillars of economic priority Recover-Rebuilding, Digital Economy and Sustainability.

Quoted from the official website of Bank Indonesia, In 2023, it will be the fifth time that Indonesia is lined up to hold ASEAN Chair, with the theme “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth” which means that Indonesia wants to make ASEAN remain important and relevant to the ASEAN community and the world.

This is because, Indonesia wants to make ASEAN a region that has an important role, for regional countries and the world. Both play a central role as the engine of peace and prosperity in the region. In addition, Indonesia also wants to make ASEAN a center for regional and world economic growth.

Regarding Recover-Rebuilding, ASEAN aims to explore a well-calibrated, planned and communicated Policy Mix to ensure economic recovery and growth, as well as mitigate risks such as inflation and capital flow volatility.

Meanwhile, to strengthen financial inclusion and digital literacy, ASEAN member countries need to increase their respective capacities in formulating national financial education strategies and increasing the interconnectivity of regional payment systems.

As the region most affected by natural disasters and climate-related risks, ASEAN needs to close ranks to prepare and aim for the same goals in terms of the transition to a green economy, including through the preparation of the ASEAN Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance and a Study on the Role of Central Banks in Managing Climate and Environment-Related Risk.  

ASEAN is an abbreviation of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or the Association of Nations in Southeast Asia. After the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, then the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta in September 2023.

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