Government builds roads to increase inter-regional connectivity in Papua

PT Hutama Karya (Persero) has completed the physical construction of the Muri-Kwatisore Road project in phase I. It is clear that with the completion of phase I, it will further help in improving connectivity between regions in the West Papua region.
It is known that the construction of this road project will be able to connect Muri Village to Kwatisore Village in West Papua. The road is up to 16 kilometers (km) long. In this project, the sampling stage has been carried out for laboratory tests on the suitability of national road standards, so that it can be handed over at the end of November 2023, and the road can be passed as soon as possible by the local community.
Regarding this, the Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary of Hutama Karya, Tjahjo Purnomo, in his statement said that the road is part of the Trans Papua Road. Of course, with this road construction project, it is hoped that all parties will be able to open up regional isolation and increasingly be able to increase connectivity between regions.
The existence of connectivity between regions itself is a very important thing that must continue to be improved and happen quickly, especially, later it will also be able to improve the quality of education, information so that the flow of goods or logistics, including services and people can run smoothly, effectively and much more efficiently.
It turns out, thanks to the hard work of all parties and a strong commitment to accelerate development in Bumi Cenderawasih, the road project was successfully completed more quickly compared to the original target, namely in February 2024.
Even though it was able to be completed more quickly, this does not mean that work on the road project connecting Muri Village and Kwatisore Village in West Papua was carried out haphazardly. In fact, the quality of the road, including its aesthetics and environmental sustainability, is the main thing to pay attention to during the construction period.
During the construction period of the road project, Hutama Karya also carried out earth excavation work, hardening and asphalting the road using box culvert crossings and decker plates.
Furthermore, it turns out that while the road construction was being carried out, there were many challenges from various things, starting from the weather and natural conditions which were still in the form of remote forests with geographical conditions which were also quite difficult to traverse, to there were also obstacles in the form of difficulty in communicating signals during the journey. field.
However, thanks to the very strong commitment and hard work carried out, it turns out that all parties were able to overcome and face all the challenges in the field very well. These challenges in no way dampen the enthusiasm of the team in the field to be able to complete projects on time and with the right quality by always applying K3 principles to further minimize work accidents in the field.
The construction of the road project which is able to connect Muri Village and Kwatisore Village in West Papua, worth 137.8 billion Rupiah, has also involved local communities in the construction of the structure, such as stone installation, steel, casting and the involvement of human resources (HR). empowered to be a flagman on the road construction project.
To complete the 16 km long road project, Hutama Karya also collaborated with a local Papuan contractor, namely PT Gema Papua through a Joint Operation (KSO) (Hutama-Gemapapua) with each portion, namely Hutama Karya amounting to 70 percent and Gema Papua amounting to 30 percent.
It is hoped that the immediate presence of the access road connecting Muri and Kwatisore will further facilitate all logistical access from the borders of West Papua to Central Papua, including making it easier for pupils and students to be able to access travel to their schools or colleges and can also become a supporting means of transportation. to improve the economy for local communities.
Of course, with all the efforts that have been made by PT Hutama Karya in order to accelerate development so that it is able to realize connectivity between regions so as to improve the welfare of the people of Bumi Cenderawasih through various sectors, including the involvement of local communities, everything is in accordance with its commitment. The strength possessed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in developing Papua.
This is very much in line with the statement from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who emphasized that the Land of Papua is the government’s priority in realizing Indonesia-centric development, no longer Java-centric as it was several years ago during the previous administration.
Phase I of the construction of the road project connecting Muri Village and Kwatisore Village in West Papua has been completed much faster than the initial target, but still with the same quality. It is hoped that with the completion of this development, connectivity between regions in Bumi Cenderawasih will be further improved, making it easier for all activities of the local community.