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Government Commitment to Develop Rempang Island for Community Prosperity


The government’s commitment to advancing Rempang Island is an important step in improving the welfare of the local community, including the development of infrastructure, education, health and economic programs aimed at improving the standard of living of the residents of Rempang Island.

The Rempang Eco-City National Strategic Program will be a momentum for the community’s economic revival. The central government, through BP Batam, is preparing Rempang to become an integrated industrial, trade, residential and tourism area in order to encourage increased competitiveness of Indonesia towards Singapore and Malaysia.

Head of Public Relations of the Riau Islands Regional Police, Commissioner. Pol. Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, SHMSi. said the Rempang Eco City development project is included in the list of National Strategic Programs for 2023 so that it is of serious concern to the Central Government in order to become Indonesia’s new economic engine and create many job opportunities. The Government’s program is to develop Rempang Island into an Eco City area in order to advance and prosper the community

Rempang Island itself is planned to be created for the Eco City Project with the name Rempang Eco City. Rempang Eco City is an integrated industrial, trade and tourism area aimed at encouraging competitiveness with Singapore and Malaysia. This project will be carried out by PT Makmur Elok Graha (MEG), which is affiliated with Artha Graha Network (AG Network) with an investment target of reaching IDR 381 trillion by 2080.

Responding to the government’s enthusiasm for Rempang Island, Head of BP Batam, Muhammad Rudi, said that his party would continue to cooperate optimally in realizing investment on Rempang Island without ignoring the rights of the people affected by the development.

The development of Rempang Island will involve the community, but of course it will not be easy for the affected communities to accept this decision. In response to this, the government will prioritize a humanist approach and persuasive communication to the community so that they understand the government’s future goals, namely the prosperity of the people of Rempang Island.

On the other hand, the development of Rempang Island will have an impact on the movement of residents around the Eco City Rempang project. The government does not remain silent in taking responsibility and paying attention to the community so that they can get a suitable place to live.

Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, said that in handling the development of Rempang Island the government continues to prioritize the rights and interests of the local community where the location is being held.

Muhammad Rudi said, Replacement of residential houses in the form of type 45 houses worth IDR 120 million for Rempang residents. However, if people have a house whose value is greater based on the assessment of the Public Appraisal Services Office (KJPP), then they will be given an addition according to the difference in house value.

The community will also receive waiting money of IDR 1.2 million per person and house contract money of IDR 1.2 million per family as well as prioritizing the rights and interests of the community.

Facilities and infrastructure are equipped with educational facilities from elementary, middle and high schools. There are also health care centers, sports and social facilities. There are also places of worship provided there such as mosques and churches.

BP Batam together with PT Makmur Elok Graha (MEG) will prioritize empowering Human Resources (HR) by providing scholarships as well as education and vocational training to local youth so that they are ready to become workers who support industrial progress.

The development of Rempang Island has a positive impact on the economy of Batam City, and will later open up employment opportunities for the people of Batam City which can bring prosperity to the community towards Batam, a new, modern city.

MEG is known to be committed to developing and managing Rempang Eco City with an investment target estimated at IDR 381 trillion. Apart from that, Rempang Eco City is also considered to be able to increase the population and workforce by 306,000 people by 2050. The closest investment project in Rempang Eco City is the construction of a glass factory industry and a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in May-June 2024. The total investment for this project is estimated at US$ 11.6 billion.

The investment value in developing the island is not small. The total reaches IDR 381 trillion and will absorb 306 thousand workers. The number of workforce absorption from the Rempang and Galang areas, including the Behind Padang area, will reach 30 thousand people.

Bahlil Lahadalia said this investment was for the welfare of the people. By creating more jobs, people’s income will also increase.

The development of the Rempang area as an environmentally friendly investment center will have a very broad impact on the economy of the Riau Islands, especially Batam City and also nationally. Not only that, this investment will also create very large job opportunities. Including increasing people’s economic income.

The commitment of the central government through the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Indonesian Ministry of Investment emphasizes that the Rempang development project which is included in the list of National Strategic Programs must be realized immediately. The government will be very serious about following up on this investment, considering that the government is competing with many countries to get this investment

With a strong commitment, it is hoped that Rempang Island can experience positive development and provide real benefits for the community in meeting their daily needs.

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