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Group of Young Voters Determines the Quality of Leaders in the 2024 Election


The general election in 2024 will be an important moment in determining Indonesia’s political future. Young voter groups, especially the millennial generation and Gen Z, are the main focus in determining who will lead the country for the next five years. 

Their importance in this election process cannot be ignored, considering the significant number on the Permanent Voter List (DPT). This was conveyed by the Chairman of the NTB Provincial KPU, Suhardi Soud, who highlighted the big role of the young generation in determining the direction of the country’s leadership.

According to Suhardi, the votes of the millennial generation and Gen Z have extraordinarily important weight in this year’s elections. In a national context, more than 115 million voters come from this group. In NTB itself, the number of voters from this generation reached 54.04 percent of the total Permanent Voter List, namely around 2.2 million voters from 3.9 million DPT. This confirms that the choices they make will have a major influence on the choice of leader.

In terms of participation, it is important for young people to be actively involved in this democratic process. Their support can be done in various ways, from voting without abstentions to becoming part of the election organizers. This active role also includes involvement in organizing the polling place (TPS). 

Suhardi emphasized that the use of current technology in elections, such as applications for voter lists and recapitulation systems, is an aspect that is highly mastered by the younger generation. Their involvement in this is considered key to ensuring public confidence in the entire election process.

As voters, young people are also reminded to be intelligent and rational voters. Understanding the programs, vision and mission of potential leaders is key in making choices. This emphasizes that decisions taken must be based on an analysis of the track records, competencies and capacities of the candidates. 

Young voters are expected to be able to actively participate in the candidates’ campaign processes, access information via social media, and make choices based on careful consideration.

Suhardi also highlighted the important role of youth legislative candidates (Caleg) in the elections. They are expected to be able to present ideas, visions and concrete offers that can inspire and attract the attention of all voter segments. 

Continuous discussions about the big problems facing the nation and building optimism are the main focus, considering that Indonesia will continue to change generations with a demographic bonus that is expected to be realized in 2045.

In the run-up to the 2024 Election, Togap Simangunsong from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) also invited the entire young generation, especially millennials, to take part in the success of the democratic party which will be held on February 14 2024. 

According to him, the dominance of the millennial generation in participation in this election reached 56.45 percent, a figure that deserves serious attention.

Togap emphasized that the active involvement of the younger generation is the first step in forming a generation that is intelligent in using their voting rights. It is also hoped that their participation will be able to oversee the election process so that it takes place honestly and fairly. 

The participation of the KPU, both at the provincial and district/city levels, is highlighted as the main key in providing full support to the young generation so that they want to attend polling stations (TPS) and exercise their political rights.

With the number of millennials and Gen Z reaching 115.4 million, their role as determining the direction of the nation’s future is becoming increasingly significant. It is hoped that their increasing participation in the 2024 elections will have a positive impact in the search for the best leader for Indonesia. 

The instruments and preparations that have been prepared by the government through various forums and regional coordination show its determination to ensure a smooth, safe and controlled election process.

In achieving success in the 2024 elections, several key indicators were identified, including the smoothness of the election process, high participation, security and order during the process, as well as the smooth running of government at both the central and regional levels. 

With the active participation of the younger generation, it is hoped that all of these indicators can be achieved, providing strong legitimacy for the elected leaders and representatives of the people.

The 2024 election is an important stage where the younger generation has a very crucial role. Their decisions will not only influence the future of the country, but will also determine the quality of the leaders who will lead Indonesia in the next five years. 

Therefore, be actively involved in this process, be an intelligent voter, and play a role in maintaining integrity and justice in the upcoming democratic party.

Indonesia’s future is now determined by the results of this election, where the presence of the younger generation determines the direction of the country’s journey. It is hoped that the elected leadership will be able to meet the hopes and needs of the Indonesian people. 

Hopefully the success of this election will be a good start for a brighter future for the Indonesian nation that is sovereign, just and prosperous. The involvement and active role of the younger generation will continue to be key in maintaining and strengthening the foundations of Indonesian democracy in the future.

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