Holding the First AIS Summit, Indonesia Promotes the Spirit of the Unity of Island Countries
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has officially opened the Archipelagic and Island States Summit (AIS Summit) Forum on October 11 2023, at the Bali Nusa Dua Conference Center, Badung Regency, Bali Province. In his remarks, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of cooperation, unity and solidarity between archipelago and island countries to face various global challenges.
As is known, the islands in Indonesia are not only a paradise for tourists, but also a natural resource that is important for the economy and survival of coastal communities. However, with great potential, of course also comes great responsibility.
Not only that, challenges related to climate change have had a serious impact on marine and coastal ecosystems, which ultimately affects the livelihoods of coastal communities. Rising sea levels, stronger storms and changes in sea water temperatures have become real threats to small islands. Therefore, it is important for island and island countries to unite and find joint solutions to overcome climate change.
President Jokowi strongly believes that the 2023 AIS Summit is an important opportunity and even a golden moment to determine the direction of future collaboration, where there are three things that need to be encouraged. Firstly, solidarity, equality and inclusiveness as principles that are shared principles. The second priority is concrete cooperation tailored to the recipient’s needs. Third, a strong and dynamic cooperation framework to face future challenges.
Indonesia, along with other island and archipelagic countries, faces the same challenges. Therefore, Indonesia initiated a meeting of the world’s archipelagic countries to meet and discuss these various challenges.
Exactly on October 11 2023, Indonesia officially opened the AIS Summit which became a meeting forum for island countries for the first time. Previously, a number of ministerial level meetings had been completed and resulted in various prosperity. This decision not only marked a historic moment in the history of this country, but also highlighted the importance of the AIS Summit in solving increasingly pressing and complex global problems.
A number of heads of state are known to have attended the AIS summit. This is nothing other than an indication that the AIS Summit is indeed a prestigious forum. In this regard, the Director of Economic and Maritime Information and Communication, Septriana Tangkary, explained that the AIS Forum aims to address global problems in four main areas, namely climate change mitigation and adaptation, blue economy, management of plastic waste at sea, and good maritime governance. .
In the midst of these challenges, Indonesia was trusted to host the AIS Summit for the first time. This decision was no coincidence. Indonesia has valuable experience and knowledge on how to manage marine and coastal resources sustainably. In recent years, Indonesia has taken important steps in protecting marine ecosystems and promoting a sustainable blue economy.
Assistant Deputy for Delimitation of Maritime Zones and Border Areas at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sora Lokita, explained that Indonesia has many best practices that can be shared with the world. The goal is to start a global movement that addresses the problems faced by island nations from various parts of the world. It is hoped that this movement will become bigger and help island countries face common challenges.
The AIS Forum Summit is a strategic platform designed to facilitate cooperation and innovation between island and island nations. The aim is to create solutions to overcome the specific challenges faced by island countries. This is a historic moment, where a number of island and archipelagic countries from all over the world gather to discuss, share experiences and find joint solutions.
However, the AIS Forum summit is not just about addressing internal issues. This is a forum for island countries to contribute to global problems. With its great potential, the AIS Forum can have a positive impact in efforts to overcome climate change, plastic pollution and other global problems.
It is important to remember that island nations are an integral part of the global ecosystem. The actions taken by these countries not only impact their own regions but also the entire world. Therefore, international collaboration and support from the international community is essential.
The AIS Forum Summit can be an ideal forum to unite the voices of island countries and fight for a country’s interests at the global level. This is the time for the international community to listen, learn and work together with island and archipelagic nations to face shared challenges.
Indonesia, as the first host of the AIS Forum Summit, has a big responsibility to ensure that this event runs successfully and produces many new agreements. This is also a great opportunity for Indonesia to take the lead in efforts to maintain the sustainability of marine and coastal ecosystems. Indonesia has the opportunity to demonstrate its leadership in supporting sustainable ecosystems and protecting the marine environment that is important to us all.
The world will look at Indonesia with great hopes, and we must not disappoint those hopes. This is the time for island and island nations to unite, collaborate and create a better future for future generations. The AIS Forum Summit is the gateway to a better future, where we can live side by side with nature and care for it responsibly. This is the time to maintain the sustainability of marine and coastal ecosystems, tackle climate change, and create a better world for us all.