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Human Rights Enforcement in Indonesia


By: Muhammad Ridean*

Human rights violations are a serious problem in Indonesia, some cases must even involve a Fact Finding Team (TPF) that can be used to report mild and severe cases. President Joko Widodo also invited all elements to give attention to the enforcement of human rights. The Government has issued Presidential Regulation No. 33 of 2018 on Presidential Regulation No. 75 of 2015 concerning the National Action Plan for Human Rights (RANHAM) for 2015 – 2019.

Let’s look at the murder case of Salim Kancil in 2015. He was a member of the farmer who died because he was massacred by dozens of residents of Selok Awar – Awar Village. The treatment that Salim received was due to the courage of a mining tax that damaged community agricultural land and the destruction of nature.

Various efforts have been made by Salim Kancil, one of which is to gather strength by gathering farmers to fight against the illegal miners commanded by a team of 12 who are their former village campaign team. But Salim Kancil had to take his life on September 26, 2015, Salim’s house was attacked by dozens of people. He conducted an examination and was dragged to the village hall until he died.

The case of the spread of human rights was conveyed by giving a verdict to 2 brains towards Salim Kancil, they were Haryono (the village head of Selok Awar – Awar was not active) and Madasir as the Chairperson of the LMDH Forest Society Society. Must be behind bars for 20 years.

Human rights are the most essential rights possessed by humans. Anyone is not used to fulfill or interfere with the rights of others because human rights are personal.

In an effort to uphold human rights, the Government is seriously committed to producing its legal products. This policy is the main rule that can be used for community and state life in Indonesia. Legal products resulting from laws are a result of the democratic system in Indonesia. The legal results are the result of negotiations conducted by the government through the DPR.

Before the law is agreed upon, then the legal product needs to be paid for and ratified by the highest leadership of the country such as the President of the Republic of Indonesia. One product of the Law governing human rights is the laws stipulated in Law No. 23 of 2003 concerning the rights of the Child. This law regulates the human rights carried out by every child in Indonesia.

In this law it is stated that children have the right to be protected and enforced so that the child can live, grow, develop and participate optimally in accordance with human dignity and dignity. In addition, children are also entitled to protection from all forms of violence and discrimination.

The government’s efforts in upholding human rights are the establishment of a human rights court which is one of the government’s efforts to uphold human rights for every Indonesian citizen. The Human Rights Court plays a special role in prosecuting crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity.

In upholding human rights in Indonesia, the government does not do it alone. The government needs assistance from several Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia. In addition to enforcing human rights in Indonesia, the government also has a legal basis for equality of citizens who increasingly support and strengthen the process of upholding human rights.

Human rights enforcement can also be carried out through the formal, informal and non-formal education processes. The process of enforcement carried out through education is an effort to cultivate the concept of human rights itself to the students themselves.

The hope is that planting the concept of human rights through education will have a positive impact on students to understand the concept of human rights enforcement in a simple way. For example, by providing an understanding that recognition and respect for human rights in society has been carried out from the days of our ancestors, even though we did not know what human rights were.

In 2018, the Government in collaboration with INFID conducted a Human Rights Festival held in Wonosobo. The decision to make Wonosobo host the 2018 Human Rights Festival because the City of ASRI has regional regulations that specifically regulate human rights so that it is nicknamed as a Human Rights Friendly District.

According to Presidential Staff Moeldoko, if this knowledge of human rights is instilled early on, later children and students will understand and be more careful if they will do something related to other parties.

Along with the commemoration of the World Human Rights Day, we should be together and support the government to maintain the upholding of human rights in Indonesia. We also need to appreciate the steps of the government that has issued legal products to ensure the protection of human rights. And far more important, as Indonesian citizens, we must be able to respect the human rights of others so as not to cause conflicts that have a negative impact on society.


*) Author is an Observer of Social and Politic issues

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