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Ijtima Ulama III and The Blatant Provocation


By: Rahmat Kartolo) *

Election has ended, the scholars who are behind Prabowo have also completed the Ijtima ‘Ulama III’ s wishes and produced 5 recommendations. One of the recommendations is to disqualify Jokowi as Caprices 2019.

The event was coincided with the day of the labor, not attended by Cawapres Sandiaga Uno. Five of the recommendations are:

Conclude that there have been fraudulent and structured crimes in the Election 2019.
Encourage and ask BPN Prabowo – Sandiaga to file an appeal through a legal mechanism.
Urge the KPU and Bawaslu to decide and cancel, or disqualify candidates and candidates number 01.
Invites the entire people to control and support the law enforcement struggle with syar’i and constitutional legal in the fight against fraud, and crimes and injustices, including the struggle for cancellation / disqualification of the post office candidates – who have been involved in fraud and crime in the pilgrimage 2019.
Deciding that fighting against fraud and crime and misrepresentation is amar ma’ruf naim munkar, and constitutional and legally legal by maintaining the unity of the NKRI and the people’s sovereignty.
Meanwhile, Ijtima’s Personnel III Yusuf Muhammad Martak stated that, Habib Rizieq had suggested to BPN Prabowo Sandi to immediately urge the KPU to stop the real count. By Habib Rizieq, the real count is considered to be dangerous and forming false opinion in the eyes of the community.

This can certainly be called open provocation, though obviously there is a mechanism that can be done by BPN when it comes to cheating. Moreover, with the recommendation of number 3 meant to disqualify Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin, is this a sign that they are afraid of losing? All this time they are convinced of winning because of internal survey results that are not publicly described.

TKN Spokesman Ace Hasan Syadzili responded to the results of the agreement and said that the recommendation was the reason behind the couple’s fort 02 Prabowo – Sandiaga. He asserted that all the efforts made by the fort 02 were one of the signs for not acknowledging a quick count or quick count count asking Jokowi – Ma’ruf to be disqualified.

“The uncontrollable timses 02’s mentality makes them ineffective. To the left, right-hand side, including the use of maneuvers that are labeled ijtima ‘Ulama,’ said Ace.

He also questioned, the recommendations came when former Prabowo-Sandiaga team won the KPU delegitim effort. And the massive cheating accusations to the KPU continue to be launched.

According to Imam Ghazali as the Chief of PBNU, Ijtima ‘Ulama III is supposed to be respected as part of democracy that appreciates dissent. But the result of Ijtima ‘should not lead to provocative things.

“When the opinion has led to provocative and outrageous matters, and beyond what is happening in Indonesia, then we should use opinions that are in line with the rule of the nation, the state and the rule of law,” said Imam.

All the forms of provocation associated with the Election, are very risky in giving birth to disunity seeds. Especially if the provocation is not based. So it is not possible, civil war can emerge, so people do not mutually support each other because of different options.

Do not let the provocation become like the Venezuelan State, where Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro told US President Donald Trump, that Donald Trump would leave the White House with blood stains if it interfered with Venezuela’s affairs.

That’s because the US Government urged its citizens to leave Venezuela and ordered non-emergency government staff after the head of the country’s armed forces warned civil war.

The civil war was triggered by a US-backed criminal plan to get rid of President Nicolas Maduro for rebel support.

Certainly such things should not happen in Indonesia, in any political contestation, all candidates must be ready to hold the trust if they win and must be legowo if they lose. All attempts to legitimize the KPU in any form, will only further show an immature political attitude.

) * The author is a social-political observer

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