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IKN Becomes a City of the Future with World-Class Infrastructure


By: Tyas Permata Wiyana )*

IKN Nusantara is still under construction , but is predicted to become a modern city of the future. IKN will be equipped with world-class infrastructure. With these various facilities and infrastructure , IKN will become a capital city to be proud of , because it is an icon of a modern and sophisticated city .

The National Capital will be moved from DKI Jakarta to North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. IKN, which is named Nusantara, will be a very special city because it is in the middle of a forest, aka forest city. Even though it is in the middle of a forest, the city is still progressing and will even be more modern than Jakarta.

The Chairman of the IKN Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Danis H Sumadilaga stated that IKN is a city of the future that upholds the principles of integrated development for the younger generation. Bu Kota Negara (IKN) is a city of the future or a city for today’s young generation.

It is hoped that the younger generation can contribute and participate in an inclusive manner to accommodate innovation in the three priority areas for growth, from the health, energy and economic sectors.

Danis added, IKN is not only a smart city, but also a modern place that meets world-class infrastructure standards. The vision of IKN is to become the most sustainable city, to become a symbol of national identity, and to be a driving force for the Indonesian economy in the future.

Priority development is infrastructure in the form of roads to facilitate community mobility.

The Ministry of PUPR (Public Works and Public Housing) is currently constructing the Sepaku Ring Road in East Kalimantan. This road will be the main access to IKN Nusantara. This road is also part of the basic infrastructure of the IKN.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono stated that the construction of the IKN had already gone through the land mapping phase. After that the government will begin the construction of basic infrastructure such as toll roads and national roads which are the main access to IKN Nusantara.

The construction of the Sepaku Ring Road is currently in segment 1 to segment 3 which was built with state budget funds worth 103.7 billion rupiah. The construction progress is very good because it is already more than 77%.

Meanwhile, Head of the East Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center Junaidi stated that the total length of the Sepaku Ring Road is 2.91 kilometers. The construction of Segments 1 to 3 is carried out through an advanced multi year contract scheme . The construction of Segment 4 will soon be carried out and the tender has been completed.

In a sense, the government is building infrastructure in the form of a ring road that will facilitate people’s mobility towards IKN Nusantara. The Sepaku Ring Road was built solidly so that it lasts and makes the IKN development a success. The reason is because the construction of buildings and other facilities will be successful if the mobility of material transport trucks is also smooth.

The construction of ring roads and highways is being carried out so that the target is achieved, namely in 2024, IKN Nusantara can be inhabited by all residents there. With supporting infrastructure in the form of representative roads, it will certainly facilitate mobility and connect the IKN with the cities next to it.

IKN is also designed as the center of the capital city by forming an environment that is built with a smart city system that is integrated and lives in harmony with nature. Governor of East Kalimantan Isran Noor stated, IKN is a forest city so it does not damage the existing nature. Construction with zero emissions. IKN restores the condition of the forest as before. Forests in IKN are production forests, not natural forests.

IKN Nusantara is Indonesia’s active participation in supporting global initiatives to tackle climate change. The success of the Archipelago has benefited not only Indonesia but also the global community, by creating sustainable cities that can be replicated around the world.

IKN Nusantara will be a city of the future with world-class infrastructure. Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono stated that the development of the State Capital City in East Kalimantan continues to be accelerated. The Nusantara Capital Project (IKN) brings a lot of technology and will become a world-class city.

Minister Basuki added, in the development process, three achievement targets were determined for IKN to become a world-class city in the future. IKN will be a 10-minute town designed for pedestrians. Second, 75% of the IKN area is green space. Third, IKN is included in the 10 best, smart and active livable cities in the world.

IKN will be a city in 10 minutes because public transportation is very easy. The plan is to build a rail network at IKN Nusantara, which will start in 2025. This train has excited the people of Kalimantan because this is the first time this mode of transportation has been there. They can experience the train ride that starts from Balikpapan to the main city of IKN (Nusantara).

The plan is to create a modern traffic system and vehicles with very minimal emission electric cars/motorcycles. With these vehicles, smooth mobility as well as environmentally friendly. Electric cars/motorcycles do not emit thick and black smoke at the exhaust, like conventional cars/motorcycles.

IKN Nusantara will be a city of the future with world-class infrastructure. The many facilities and infrastructure at the IKN will facilitate community mobility. IKN Nusantara will become a city that is both modern and green and protects the nature of Kalimantan.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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