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IKN Becomes a Growth Point for Green Economic Transformation


By : Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis )*

The National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago, which is located in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Province, is a point for the growth of the country’s green economic transformation. Because this is in line with the future vision of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), which is to create a sustainable, developed city.
The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) firmly believes that the air quality in the National Capital (IKN) of the archipelago is even much better compared to other cities in the country, including Jakarta and even the world.
According to data, the air quality index in Jakarta touched 176. This is very far above the standard number for good data quality, namely 0 to 50. In other cities and countries such as Singapore, for example, air quality is at 44. in Melbourne 38, in Paris 38.
When compared with the air quality in the National Capital City (IKN) of the archipelago, especially in the North Penajam Paser (PPU) area, it is only at 34. This shows that the quality of natural resources (SDA) in It is very good there, even more than other cities and developed countries in the world.
The Head of State then continued to try to convince investors so that they would be able to carry out their investment activities in IKN. Because investing in IKN Nusantara is the right choice.
IKN will also be a location for green economic transformation and green energy development. Investing there is the same as buying the future, because in this area the Indonesian government continues to develop the economy and green energy.
In fact, to continue to maintain air quality there, vehicles that have permission to operate in the IKN area are only electric vehicles. IKN continues to grow into a showcase for state research and at the same time the development of new economies, especially the green economy in the country.
The region has a strategic role in driving a new wave of economic growth centered on the principles of sustainability. This perspective is in line with the broader vision of the Indonesian Government to make IKN a model of sustainable urban development, which not only supports economic growth but is also sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Special Staff (Stafsus) for Public Communications or Spokesperson for the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN), Troy Pantouw, said that IKN is a smart and green city in Indonesia with comprehensive sustainable development tools.
The government has designed development in IKN to continue to be in accordance with green economy principles which prioritize several principles such as being in harmony with nature. This is proven by the fact that more than 65 percent of the capital city of the archipelago is green space.
The second principle is the development of IKN with low carbon emissions, because the government has designed it to use renewable energy to meet energy needs. Apart from that, as much as 60 percent of the energy savings are for energy conservation in the building.
Third, namely circular and resilient principles, because the government is designing IKN which covers more than 10 percent of its land area to provide food production fulfillment. Regional development also continues to take strategic steps to mitigate environmental problems so as to minimize the shrinkage of forest areas which has the potential to cause natural disasters and conflicts with animals.
On the other hand, Deputy for Economic Affairs at the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas), Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, revealed that in line with IKN development in East Kalimantan, the government continues to strive to grow new economic centers.
In the future, the economy in East Kalimantan will be based on value creation and will be part of the IKN superhub, which has an important role in implementing economic transformation strategies in Indonesia.
There are at least 6 economic transformation strategies in the country, the first is related to competitive human resources (HR); secondly, productivity of the economic sector; third, namely the green economy; fourth digital economy; fifth, domestic economic integration; sixth transfer of IKN.
The relocation of the National Capital is not only a relocation of the government’s capital, but is also part of the Indonesian government’s major efforts to realize economic transformation in Indonesia in a much more equitable and just manner.
Currently, of course Indonesia is entering a new era with the development of the new IKN. The relocation of the capital city is not just a geographical move, but is also a strategic step to achieve equitable development and improve the quality of life for the entire community.
It is not surprising that IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan Province could be the starting point for the ongoing growth of green economic transformation in Indonesia because of the government’s hard work and strong commitment to building a very sustainable city by continuing to pay attention to environmental aspects there. Therefore, we need to continue to support this effort in order to create a modern IKN that still pays attention to environmental sustainability.

)* The author is an Alumni of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unair

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