KST action to encourage economic and infrastructure development in Papua

The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist (KST) group often spreads terror by attacking the public or security forces. In fact, Papua has long been the focus of global attention due to a series of security problems caused by KST. This group consists of people who support Papuan independence and seek to achieve their goals through violent means. The existence of KST Papua has a significant negative impact on people’s lives and overall regional stability.
KST must be eradicated because it hampers infrastructure development in Papua. Even though infrastructure development is very necessary, to support people’s mobility and at the same time improve the welfare of residents in Bumi Cendrawasih. However, KST always attacks indiscriminately and causes anxiety in the local community.
Puncak Papua Police Chief, Commissioner I Nyoman Punia, said that KST Papua had burned down two health center buildings at once in Omukia and Erobaga. The act of arson occurred when TNI and Polri soldiers were carrying out security patrols in the Puncak Regency area. After receiving information that the Omukia Community Health Center was burned, the joint TNI-Polri team immediately moved quickly to the location of the incident. When he was almost approaching the crime scene, gunshots were heard from behind the health center. In response, the security forces retaliated and finally a gunfight occurred. In this incident, the joint TNI Polri team managed to shoot dead one KST member who had been wanted by the Ilaga Police, namely, Warinus Murib.
As is known, from year to year the terror carried out by KST Papua has become increasingly brutal and has become a source of conflict that must be eradicated. Their existence has made civil society miserable and they continue to live in worry. The violence and massacres they commit must be fought against. Joint security forces must not stop pursuing and eradicating KST members because this will hamper economic growth and infrastructure development in Papua.
KST often causes trouble by shooting at civilians and soldiers on duty. KST did this because they wanted to liberate Papua, so they looked for all means to expel the authorities, because they were considered representatives of the Indonesian government.
Papuan community leader Yonas Alfons Nusy assesses that the series of terror acts by armed criminal groups will continue to hamper the development of community welfare in Papua. In fact, residents need to see what the future of Papua’s development will look like in the future. If, for example, there continues to be conflict like this, the Papuan people will experience obstacles in developing their territory.
This condition increasingly adds to the urgency of handling the KST problem, especially in the midst of the government’s intensive infrastructure development for the welfare of Papua. The acts of terror carried out by KST were not in line with the Papuan development framework which was actually intended for the Papuan people themselves.
This means that when development stalls, in the long term it will have an impact on the welfare of the Papuan people. For example, road access from one area to another. At least the Papuan people, with the acts of violence that occurred in Papua, are of course the Papuan people who are affected. The Papuan people or anyone in Papua will be negatively impacted.
Therefore, it is time for the community to play a role in eradicating KST Papua which always creates chaos on Earth of Cenderawasih and carries out various acts of terror against innocent civilians. The community must synergize with the security forces in protecting security and social order from attacks by Papuan KST members so that economic growth and infrastructure development can run smoothly.
Not only physically, KST Papua also carried out acts of terror by provoking the Papuan people to fight against the Government. The public must not be influenced by propaganda and hoaxes deliberately created by KST Papua members. Apart from that, the community must have the courage to fight and report the existence of KST Papua directly to the security forces in their respective regions.
Currently, authorities are undertaking an evaluation of the security approach and taking firm action against the presence of KST Papua to anticipate the cycle of violence occurring again and increasing casualties. However, on the other hand, mapping of the group’s strengths needs to be done.
Apart from going through armed warfare, they also play narratives through social media and online media to influence the public. Until now, the issue of human rights violations and enforcement is still used by this group to influence the international community to open up opportunities to escape from Indonesia. In fact, all this time, they are the ones who have committed cruel human rights violations.
Thus, it is very necessary to collaborate between security forces and the community to eradicate KST Papua by tightening vigilance and security in the Papua region so that things get better and in the future the Papuan people can return to their activities in peace without being haunted by KST terror acts.
KST has proven to hinder development and does not want Papuans to progress. The reason is because they obstruct infrastructure development, damage health facilities or burn down people’s houses. Therefore, KST must be eradicated because they hinder development in Papua.