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Maintain Peace, Respect Political Diversity After the 2024 Election


The 2024 general election (Pemilu) has become a historic milestone for Indonesia, where the public exercised their voting rights on February 14. As a country with rich political diversity, maintaining post-election stability and peace is a top priority for security forces.
In this context, the call to respect the diversity of political choices becomes very important, because this not only reflects the maturity of our democracy, but also determines the direction of the nation’s future journey.
Security forces, who have a big responsibility in maintaining public order and security, invite all Indonesian citizens to refrain from actions that could trigger post-election political tensions.
Respecting diverse political choices is an integral part of democratic principles, which affirm that every citizen has an equal right to voice opinions and elect leaders according to their beliefs.
By internalizing the values of tolerance and respect for differences, we can strengthen the foundations of our democracy and move towards a more inclusive and harmonious future.
Deputy Chairman of the DPR RI, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, highlighted the importance of maintaining post-election stability to ensure the continuity of community activities without obstacles. Although the preliminary results of the vote may not meet everyone’s expectations, efforts to maintain calm and security are crucial. In this context, law enforcement and the professionalism of security forces are recognized as key elements in dealing with potential riots or security disturbances.
In line with this, member of Commission I DPR RI, Ahmad Syaikhu, expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the elections which took place peacefully. He described this election as proof of the maturity of democracy in Indonesia, recognizing the active participation of the community and the hard work of KPPS officers.
However, this appreciation is also balanced with an appeal for the vote counting process to take place in a transparent and fair manner, as well as the need for relevant authorities to investigate every report of fraud carefully.
Meanwhile, Maluku Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Lotharia Latif, highlighted the need to respect election results as a foundation for peace and stability. He emphasized that in every democratic contestation, there are parties who will be happy or disappointed with the results, however, the resolution of these differences must be carried out through appropriate legal channels and without disturbing the peace of society. Lotharia also emphasized the importance of cooperation between election organizers, security forces and the community in maintaining post-election order.
A similar message was also conveyed by the Meranti Islands Police, Riau, who reminded the public not to be provoked by issues that could divide unity. In the post-election atmosphere, solidarity and cooperation from all elements of society are absolutely necessary to ensure security and order are maintained. Thus, it is hoped that preventive and collaborative steps like this can prevent potential riots or conflicts that may arise.
As we enter the period of counting votes and determining the final results by the Indonesian KPU, the spirit of maintaining peace and building unity is increasingly important. The KPU and related institutions are expected to carry out their duties with integrity and transparency, ensuring that the final results reflect the will of the people in a fair and democratic manner. Apart from that, security forces are also asked to remain alert and responsive to any potential security disturbances that may arise.
The success of an election lies not only in the process, but also in how society and state institutions respond to the results. Respecting the diversity of political choices is the basis for creating an inclusive and democratic society.
When we look back at the long journey of democracy in Indonesia, we realize that every general election is a historical milestone. The 2024 elections will not only bring joy over the high level of popular participation, but also bring new challenges in maintaining post-election stability and peace.
As a country that is socially, culturally and politically diverse, Indonesia is faced with the very important task of maintaining the integrity of the nation and harmony between its citizens. Therefore, the call from leaders and security forces to respect the diversity of political choices and maintain peace is very relevant and important.
One of the key aspects in maintaining post-election stability is the quality of the vote counting process and determining the final results by the General Election Commission (KPU). Transparency, integrity and thoroughness in this process will be a guarantee for all parties that the final decision reflects the will of the people in a fair and democratic manner.

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