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Officially opening the 43rd ASEAN Summit, President Jokowi emphasized the role of ASEAN Chairmanship in maintaining the unity of the Southeast Asian region.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially opened the 43rd ASEAN Summit on 5 September 2023 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta. In front of the leaders of the Southeast Asian bloc, Jokowi called for unity to face global challenges. At the opening speech of the 43rd ASEAN, Jokowi said that currently the global economy had not fully recovered and the challenges ahead were getting tougher and demanding the influence of big powers. For this reason, ASEAN has agreed not to become a proxy for any power to cooperate with anyone for peace and prosperity.

In his speech at the opening of the ASEAN Summit, President Jokowi reminded us not to turn ASEAN ships into an arena of rivalries that destroy each other, but to make our ships fields to grow cooperation, create prosperity, stability and peace, not only for the region but also for the world.

The world’s oceans are too wide to sail alone, on our journey there will be other ships. ASEAN partner ships, let’s together realize equal and mutually beneficial cooperation to sail together towards the epicentrum of growth.

Through the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, ASEAN is able to become a central player in bringing peace and growth. ASEAN, according to Jokowi, has a strong set as the epicenter of growth. ASEAN’s economy grows above the world average, has a demographic bonus, and maintains regional stability. ASEAN will continue to strive to strengthen economic integration, deepen cooperation on RCEP implementation and strengthen architecture, food, energy and financial stability.

The High Level Conference organized by ASEAN members or also known as the ASEAN Summit is routinely held every year in ASEAN member countries. The ASEAN Summit itself is a summit meeting between the leaders of ASEAN member countries.

ASEAN is an abbreviation of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or the Association of Nations in Southeast Asia, which was formed on August 8 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand. There are five ASEAN founding countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

Along with the positive impact felt from this association, by 2022, ASEAN members will increase by six other countries to a total of eleven member countries. The six countries in question are Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Timor Leste. Indonesia itself has served as Chair of ASEAN three times (1976, 2003, 2011) and has produced proven achievements that can encourage the progress of ASEAN countries.

In 2023, this will be the fifth time that Indonesia has been appointed to hold the Chair of ASEAN, with the theme “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth” which means that Indonesia wants to make ASEAN remain important and relevant for the ASEAN community and the world. This is because, Indonesia wants to make ASEAN a region that has an important role, for regional countries and the world. Both play a central role as the engine of peace and prosperity in the region. In addition, Indonesia also wants to make ASEAN a center for regional and world economic growth.

In this theme, Indonesia will also raise several pillars, including Recovery and Rebuilding, Digital Economy and Sustainable. The first pillar is Recover and Rebuilding where ASEAN aims to explore a well-calibrated, planned and communicated Policy Mix to ensure economic recovery and growth, as well as mitigate risks such as inflation and capital flow volatility.

At the same time, Indonesia’s chairmanship provides opportunities and demonstrates Indonesia’s strategic role in strengthening ASEAN institutional capacities and capabilities, especially in forming a regional order that is based on multilateralism and inclusivity values.

President Joko Widodo will lead the regional region to navigate inclusive and sustainable growth in the ASEAN region amid the world’s post-pandemic recovery conditions. At the ASEAN Summit, Jokowi also invited all regional member countries to work together to increase economic growth in the region.

In addition, Indonesia also wants to make ASEAN a center for regional and world economic growth. This is because, Indonesia wants to make ASEAN a region that has an important role, for regional countries and the world. Both play a central role as the engine of peace and prosperity in the region.

As one of the founding countries and the largest country in ASEAN, many parties hope that Indonesia will be able to facilitate various breakthroughs and innovations as solutions to overcome world challenges and problems that are also faced by the region. The continuation of the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia will continue to encourage the creation of solutions to various global crises, including an agreement to strengthen economic stability in the region to be able to overcome the threat of various global crises.

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