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Optimal Youth Interest and Talent Development Through AMANAH Activities


ACEH — The development of the interests and talents of all young people is very optimal through AMANAH’s various positive activities.

AMANAH continues to develop various areas of interest and talent among Aceh’s young generation, one of which is in the sports sector with fun futsal matches.

Teuku Rudy, a football commentator, said that Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great indeed has a strong commitment to holding various positive activities.






The aim is to develop the young generation holistically and enable them to contribute positively to society.

“Thanks to AMANAH for creating this program, this encourages young people in Aceh to continue to believe in developing their talents. “It has been proven that today high school children can be trained well,” he said.

Not only in the sports sector, but the Acting Regent of Aceh Besar, Muhammad Iswanto, explained that AMANAH also provides training to young people for digital product management and marketing.

He then hopes that with the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great Central Building, the younger generation will be able to get a lot of training to increase their independence and competence.

“Hopefully in the future young people from Aceh will also be introduced to how to manage and market products digitally, including utilizing technological developments in developing their businesses,” he hoped.

Meanwhile, according to Syiah Kuala University (USK) Academic, Muhammad Tadjuddin, basically there is a lot of potential for the people of Aceh, especially in the business world.

For this reason, he really welcomed the initiation program from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) because it made young people more active.

“Actually, Acehnese people basically do business, so the technology sector is probably one of the new businesses in Aceh and is very important to develop,” said Tadjuddin.

For your information, in order to develop the interests and talents of the younger generation, AMANAH also carries out a series of other positive activities.

From 24 June to 7 July 2024, registration for Stand Up Successor Candidates will be open. Then on July 1, AMANAH Goes To Campus took place.

Furthermore, on July 3, a Business Mentoring Class took place for Acehnese youth with the theme “Scalling Up With Great Branding, Content, Packaging And Marketing”. The event will be attended by Coach Faran, a Doctor of Digital Entrepreneurship, together with Deryansha who is also a Content Creator in the digital world.

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