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Papua plays an important role in strengthening the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia within a unitary framework


By: Bagas Adrian Nathaniel
Papua, as an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), has a strategic role in maintaining and strengthening the sovereignty of the nation. With a significant area and abundant natural resources, Papua is one of the important pillars in building the unity and integrity of Indonesia. Since the integration of Papua into the NKRI in 1969 through the Determination of the People’s Opinion (Pepera), this region has continued to play a vital role in strengthening the integrity of the country.

The location of the region nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih at the eastern tip of Indonesia, has a strategic position in maintaining the sovereignty of the NKRI territory. This region is Indonesia’s gateway to the Pacific region, which has the potential to become an important economic and geopolitical influence region. Papua’s strategic position makes it key in maintaining Indonesia’s territorial integrity from external and internal threats.

The presence of the TNI and Polri in Papua is clear evidence of the importance of this region in maintaining the integrity of the NKRI. Their task is not only to ensure security and stability, but also to help encourage development and maintain public order.

Papua as a border region faces its own challenges in maintaining sovereignty, but with synergy between the central government and local communities, Papua has succeeded in becoming an integral part of the framework of national unity.

The government has committed to accelerating development in Papua through various strategic programs, such as Special Autonomy (Otsus) and massive infrastructure development. This program aims to address the development gap between Papua and other regions in Indonesia, while improving the welfare of the local community.

The construction of roads, bridges, ports, and airports that continues to be encouraged in Papua opens access for people in remote areas to connect with economic centers.

The Trans Papua Road that connects various regions in Papua is one of the symbols of the success of the government’s efforts to strengthen regional connectivity and realize equitable development. Adequate infrastructure allows for faster and cheaper distribution of goods and services, which ultimately improves the local economy and community welfare.

The success of development in Papua not only improves the quality of life of the local community, but also strengthens the integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia. People who feel the benefits of development have a greater sense of belonging to the nation and state, which in turn strengthens the spirit of unity.

Another important role of the region with a month of Little Heaven that Fell to Earth is in the context of enriching Indonesia’s cultural identity. With its ethnic, linguistic, and traditional diversity, Papua is one of the symbols of diversity that is the main strength of the Indonesian nation.

Cultural festivals, such as the Baliem Valley Festival and the Sentani Lake Festival, are an event to introduce the richness of Papuan culture to the world, while strengthening Indonesia’s position as a multicultural country.

The unique and rich Papuan culture makes a major contribution to enriching the national cultural heritage. Recognition of local Papuan culture is a form of respect for the principle of Bhineka Tunggal Ika which upholds diversity in unity. The presence of Papuan culture in various national and international festivals further emphasizes that Papua is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia.

Jayapura Regency Secretary, Elphyna Situmorang, said that the unification of Papua into the bosom of the Republic of Indonesia must continue to be maintained and preserved. Moreover, since long ago, the heroes from Papua with the blood of the Republic of Indonesia have continued to fight.

Likewise, Nichodemus Risakota as the Heirs of National Heroes from Papua expressed that all young generations of Bumi Cenderawasih must continue the struggle for heroes with good things. Some of them are by being able to compete positively in all sectors to fill the current development and not being easily divided,

The security forces also continue to maintain peace and conduciveness in Bumi Cenderawasih, as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia. Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Senior Commissioner Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo said that his party would be able to bring stability and progress in maintaining security in the challenging region.

Synergy continues to be strengthened with various other parties in maintaining security and order in Papua to ensure that the security and public order situation remains safe and conducive. Even so, officers also continue to prioritize a humanist approach.

Papua has a very strategic role in strengthening the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia within the framework of unity. With its natural wealth, strategic geographical position, and cultural diversity, Papua is an important pillar in maintaining national unity. Sustainable and inclusive development, as well as consistent diplomatic efforts, further strengthen the integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia.

The importance of Papua in maintaining Indonesia’s sovereignty lies not only in its wealth of natural resources, but also in its strategic role in strengthening national unity. Through ongoing development, Papua is increasingly asserting itself as an inseparable part of a sovereign, just, and prosperous Indonesia.
*) Analyst at the Lintas Nusamedia Institute

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