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Society Must Continue to Unite Amidst the 2024 Regional Election Political Contest


By: Gita Oktaviani

The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) will soon be held, with the spirit of democracy peaking throughout Indonesia. As one of the biggest political agendas at the regional level, the 2024 Pilkada is an opportunity for the community to choose leaders who are able to bring change and progress to their respective regions. However, in the midst of this political euphoria, the community is expected to be able to maintain the unity and togetherness that have so far been a solid foundation in national life.

This regional political contest is not just an arena for the struggle for power, but also an event where the people’s aspirations meet new hopes. However, often, in high spirits, the potential for division arises between groups with different political choices. Differences of opinion and political support that occur must still be managed wisely so as not to disrupt social stability and harmony between citizens.

The General Chairperson of the Association of Retired ABRI (Pepabri), General TNI (Ret.) Agum Gumelar, in his view of this regional democratic party, emphasized the importance of maintaining national integrity amidst the heat of the political atmosphere.

According to him, the Pilkada is not an arena for division, but rather to strengthen the sense of togetherness and unity. The community must be able to distinguish between political competition and the greater interests of the nation. Leaders elected in the Pilkada are expected to have a positive impact on the region, but in the end, national unity remains the main priority.

Agum Gumelar also reminded that social conflicts often arise from differences in political choices that are not managed properly. In some cases, healthy political competition can turn into horizontal conflict if there is no strong social control in society.

Therefore, the community is required to maintain calm and political maturity during this contestation process. This must also be supported by the active role of community leaders, religious leaders, and local leaders who can act as mediators in easing political tensions.

In addition, the General Election Commission (KPU) as the organizer of the Pilkada also has an important role in maintaining neutrality and fairness in this democratic process. KPU member, August Mellaz, said that the public needs to ensure that their participation remains on the right track, namely by using their voting rights wisely and not being influenced by black campaigns or baseless issues. The KPU is committed to running a fair and transparent Pilkada process, but active public participation in overseeing the implementation of this democratic party is still very much needed.

Political interests at the regional level often give rise to various issues that lead to societal polarization. Especially in the current digital era, disinformation and black campaigns can easily spread through social media.

The public must be more critical and careful in accepting information that is not necessarily true. Smart voters are not only seen from their choices, but also from how they manage the information they receive during the campaign period.

The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendy Ch Bangun, also highlighted the importance of the role of the media in maintaining social stability during the Pilkada process. According to him, the media has a big responsibility in presenting accurate information and not provoking.

In the midst of an era of fast-paced and often unfiltered information, the media must remain a pillar that maintains the balance of information. This is necessary so that society is not divided just because of irresponsible issues.

During the campaign period, political rhetoric often appears that can trigger divisions, both locally and nationally. However, differences in political views should not be a reason to divide a society that has long lived in diversity.

In fact, this diversity of political views must be seen as a wealth of democracy that strengthens the nation’s social resilience. When the democratic process runs well, differences of opinion can be a catalyst for finding better solutions for the common good.

The community also needs to support the Pilkada process with positive participation. Choosing the right leader is one form of real contribution to building the future of the region.

However, what is no less important is how to maintain good relations with fellow citizens, regardless of who wins this contest. Political victory should not be a reason to create conflict or exacerbate divisions. On the contrary, leaders elected through a democratic process must be a symbol of unity and togetherness in the region.

Pemilihan Kepala Daerah adalah momen penting dalam sejarah politik daerah. Setiap warga negara yang memiliki hak pilih diharapkan menggunakan hak tersebut dengan penuh tanggung jawab, tanpa melupakan bahwa pada akhirnya, persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa lebih berharga daripada kemenangan politik sesaat. Upaya menjaga persatuan ini harus dimulai dari individu-individu yang memahami bahwa stabilitas sosial jauh lebih penting daripada perbedaan pilihan politik.

Dengan menjaga persatuan, Indonesia dapat melewati Pilkada Serentak 2024 dengan aman, damai, dan tetap dalam semangat kebangsaan yang utuh. Pemimpin-pemimpin yang terpilih harus menjadi representasi dari aspirasi masyarakat yang menginginkan perubahan, tanpa meninggalkan semangat persatuan yang selalu menjadi identitas bangsa.

*) Kontributor Jeka Media Institute

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