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PMI Assisted by BIN Collaboration Drive for Advancement of Papuan Youths


Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) is an organization assisted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) which aims to instill a new spirit in Papuan youth. The existence of this organization is not only to accommodate creativity, but is also expected to inspire other young Papuans to collaborate in realizing progress on Cendrawasih Earth.

PMI is one of the brightest ideas to accelerate Papua’s progress. This organization was inaugurated directly by President Jokowi, on 28 October 2019. In this case, President Jokowi really supports the creativity and innovation carried out by young people in Papua.

Through PMI, it is hoped that Papuan youth can realize their potential and creative ideas to support the realization of prosperity in the land of Papua. PMI has many creative ideas and ideas to help accelerate the development of Papua, including those relating to national food security. This is in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 09 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare in Papua and West Papua.

PMI is a place for young Papuans to channel their talents. Apart from art and technology, they are trained to become independent young entrepreneurs. With this program, it is hoped that in the future the Indigenous Papuans (OAP) will have quality human resources.

Inspiring Young Papua was founded by 21 Papuan youths and girls, who come from various different fields. This program is very good for business people and businessmen in the technology sector. The goal is good because it is for the prosperity of Papua and a better future for the people of Cendrawasih Earth.

PMI’s first steps in the field of technology, with many start-ups expected to emerge as unicorns or decahorn-level, aka big companies. By teaching information technology at Inspiring Young Papua, it shows that Papuans also have high intelligence. They can be trained to be able to use the internet and use it to do business on an international scale.

With this program, it is hoped that the talents or interests of Papuan youth talents can be accommodated properly. In addition, they will be trained to be independent and be able to develop their region so that they can reduce unemployment in the land of Papua. PMI has room to facilitate Papuan people who have creativity or products but have not been able to market their products. So that with this container, original products from the Papuan people can be marketed within and outside the country.

The government fully supports the Papua Young Inspiration program and provides part of the state budget funds to ensure the program runs smoothly. With government support, it is hoped that Papua Young Inspiration will run smoothly and that many young entrepreneurs will graduate each year. They understand not only how to do business and use technology, but also how to communicate with customers around the world.

PMI also has a building called the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building and is located in Wahno Village, Abepura District, Jayapura City, Papua Province. The building was built magnificently and has complete facilities to support the talents and creativity of young Papuans.

This building will be used and utilized by Inspiring Young Papuans to carry out work programs for the welfare of the people in Papua. The presence of this building is expected to be able to help the young generation of Papua in making works and doing various things that can prosper the people of Papua.

PMI, which was formed under the guidance of BIN, has collaborated with the community to develop corn fields in Sitori Village, East Kebar District, Tambrauw Regency, West Papua. This program includes around 120 people from various ethnic groups in West Papua, and was even initiated directly by the Head of BIN, Budi Gunawan and has the support of President Joko Widodo.

PMI under the guidance of BIN has also hooked the investor PT Nuansa Lestari Sejahtera in a corn crop management program so that it is now running optimally. Now farmers also no longer need to be confused about marketing their crops because PMI also facilitates harvests. In fact, not only corn, PMI will also help sell the crops of local farmers who are still experiencing problems in marketing their crops.

As a corn commodity development, PMI even produces laying hen feed, which currently has a feed production capacity of around 7 tonnes per day with a selling value of around Rp 7,900 per kilogram. This stems from the existence of complaints of constraints faced by farmers due to the lack of feed raw materials, which are 55 percent made from corn.

Thanks to PMI’s corn planting program, now all the corn harvest will be purchased and used as feed ingredients for laying hens. PMI, BIN, the community and investors are working together to encourage the development of corn, coffee and animal husbandry in Tambrauw Regency and will continue to develop corn in Fakfak Regency and Teluk Bintuni Regency.

The existence of PMI is a representation of new hopes for advancing Papua which must be supported by all parties. This young organization is rich in sincere ideas and sustainable concrete programs that can accelerate the realization of the welfare of the Papuan people.

)* The author is an observer of Community Economics

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