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Pope Francis’ Visit to Indonesia a Historic Moment for Unity and Peace


By: Maria Lumbantoruan*Pope Francis’ arrival in Indonesia is a historic moment that is highly anticipated by Catholics and the wider community throughout the country. This visit marks the third time a Pope has visited Indonesia, after Pope John Paul II in 1989 and Pope Paul VI in 1970. Now 83 years old, Pope Francis brings a message of peace and unity that is very relevant amidst the diversity of Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world.Pope Francis arrived at the Jakarta Cathedral Church, Wednesday afternoon, September 4, 2024. The Pope’s arrival was warmly welcomed by Catholics. Children were also seen welcoming Pope Francis at the Jakarta Cathedral Church. They welcomed the Pope while playing traditional musical instruments, namely the angklung and singing Viva Il Papa. During his visit to the Cathedral Church, the Pope had a dialogue with bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated life practitioners, seminarians, and catechists while delivering a message about faith, fraternity, and compassion. Pope Francis delivered a strong message regarding people who like to seek wealth. He likened it to the devil in a pocket. The Pope said that the world will always move forward. But humans should not use it for their personal interests, but must pay attention to others. In fact, every Catholic is asked to always prioritize compassion between humans. Pope Francis’ presence in Jakarta is not only a ritual visit for Catholics, but also a golden opportunity for all Indonesian people to celebrate unity. The Pope’s arrival is not only a personal pride, but also an opportunity to receive blessings and grace directly from the highest leader of the Catholic Church worldwide. This visit confirms Pope Francis’ commitment to establishing close relations with the Catholic community in Indonesia. This meeting is also expected to strengthen diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the Vatican. Meanwhile, Archbishop Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo said that Pope Francis considered Indonesia to have various special features compared to other countries. Cardinal Suharyo said that it was because of these special features that the Holy Father chose Indonesia as the first country to visit in Pope Francis’ series of trips to Asia and Oceania. Cardinal Suharyo said that the Holy Father considered that the ideals of Indonesian independence formulated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution were similar to his teachings. Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia, continued Cardinal Suharyo, was also to confirm all the good things that already exist in Indonesia. The peak of the Pope’s visit will be held on September 6, 2024 at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (GBK), where Pope Francis will lead the Holy Mass. This activity is expected to be attended not only by Catholics,but also attracts the attention of the general public from various backgrounds. The presence of the Pope in Indonesia is expected to inspire Catholics to contribute more to national development. Father Antonius Rad Budianto, CM., Rector of the Major Seminary of the Indonesian Mass Congregation in Malang, emphasized that the figure of the Pope has a strong influence and can inspire people to contribute more to national development.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the East Java Anshor Youth Movement Regional Management, Mohammad Hasan Bisri, assessed that Pope Francis’ visit was a special momentum that showed Indonesia’s openness and friendliness. Hasan hopes that this visit will strengthen the message that Indonesia is an open country and accepts various differences. This hope reflects Indonesia’s spirit to promote peace and tolerance amidst the diversity of cultures and religions. Pope Francis’ arrival also emphasized the importance of maintaining religious conduciveness and moderation. In the context of Indonesia, which is known for its diversity, this visit is an opportunity to strengthen a shared commitment to maintaining harmony between religious communities. Religious moderation and tolerance are the keys to creating a peaceful and prosperous society. By prioritizing messages of peace and unity, Pope Francis provides a very important example for all parties to maintain an attitude of mutual respect and appreciation for differences. During the Pope’s arrival, it is very important for all Indonesian people to maintain conduciveness and security. Let us show the world that Indonesia is a country that is able to welcome distinguished guests with full respect and peace. Let us avoid provocations and rumors that can divide unity. Every individual, community, and group must play an active role in creating a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere, so that this visit can run smoothly and provide great benefits for the entire nation. The arrival of Pope Francis is not only an important event for Catholics, but also for all Indonesian people. With the message of peace and unity that he brings, this visit is expected to strengthen the sense of brotherhood amidst the existing diversity. This is a valuable opportunity to build interfaith bridges, strengthen social relations, and promote the values ​​of tolerance and moderation. May this visit be a memorable moment and provide positive encouragement for a more harmonious, prosperous, and loving future for Indonesia.*The author is a student at Soegijapranata Catholic University

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