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PYCH Assisted by BIN Celebrates the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta


Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) is a forum that brings together outstanding young human resources from various cross-disciplines of knowledge from Papua. This development was lined up to initiate the development of innovative Papuan human resources.

PYCH assisted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has been successful in carrying out various programs as a pioneer to advance young Papuan talents.

PYCH also held an activity program in order to welcome the Republic of Indonesia’s Anniversary by holding the Independence Day Festival from Papua for Indonesia which was attended by 1,000 people at Banteng Square, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta.

This activity program is the first time that PYCH has been held outside Papua which was carried out at the Banteng Field, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta and received enthusiasm from residents around Jakarta.

“This is the first time, we are holding PYCH activities not in Jayapura, but in Jakarta. In the framework of the celebration of independence, we gather Papuan artists and here we see together how independence is an important part of Papuan children,” said PYCH Music Band personnel, Julio Faot.

Previously, young Papuan talents represented by Music Children Comment (MAC) had performed at the Palace during the August 17 celebration in order to enliven the flag-raising procession in Jakarta.

The attendees who were also present at the flag-raising procession at the Jakarta palace felt very enthusiastic and joined in dancing together as a form of festivity from the Music Anak Comment (MAC) group from PYCH.

Julio revealed that the MAC music group only sang one song at the palace, so he initiated the celebration of the Independence Day from Papua for Indonesia in order to welcome the 78th Indonesian Independence Day.

“Yesterday, because MAC was summoned to the State Palace on August 17, we filled in only one song. So, on August 18 we initiated a gathering to celebrate independence in Jakarta, so this is the right momentum,” said Julio.

Julio was pleased with the enthusiasm of the residents in participating in the Independence Day Festival from Papua for Indonesia. He said this activity could motivate other young people.

“Everyone here is 100 percent enthusiastic with us to collaborate, sing, dance, stand up comedy and we also collect books as donations for our friends in Papua,” he said.

Julio encourages the younger generation of Papua to continue to innovate in creating works and at the same time he hopes that similar activities can be carried out in other regions in Indonesia to introduce the potential of Papuan children in Indonesia.

“We encourage all the young generation in Papua, especially when given a big gift from Pak Jokowi, we can continue this to regencies in Papua. With the new province in Papua, young people in Papua should be more enthusiastic, and not only in Papua. In the future, we can hold activities like this in Yogyakarta, Sumatra and wherever we can gather,” said Julio.

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