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Regarding Megawati’s Speech, the Deputy Council of MUI Invites the Community to Have Good Prejudice with Tabayyun


Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Marsudi Syuhud invites the public to tabayyun or seek clarity on a truth. This invitation was conveyed in connection with the polemic in the speech of the Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri regarding women reciting recitations.

The interpretation of that statement can vary, some may be true or even vice versa. Because of that, he invited the public to do tabayyun in order to know his intentions clearly.

“Regarding the statement of the chairman of the PDI-P, if I look at it this way, the purpose of people speaking a statement or the pronunciation that understands is the person who discloses it. So, if there are people who respond to that statement, maybe there is something right or wrong, maybe there is something wrong,” said Kiai Marsudi in an interview on a television station, Friday (24/2/2023).

The speech delivered by Megawati was in the context of the high stunting rate in Indonesia. Therefore, the role of mothers is very important to be able to concentrate more and manage their time wisely.

The concern of a national figure, namely Megawati Soekarnoputri, for efforts to really reduce the stunting rate which is still quite high in Indonesia. She conveyed this to mothers in a wiser way in managing time so that they could be far more proportional in taking care of the house and children.

The polemic over this issue should also be ended in order to avoid the politicization of religion. Considering that this year is a political year where every political community provides various kinds of situations.

However, Deputy Chief Marsudi Syuhud stressed that the essence of these various situations was to create a nation-state situation.

“Now this situation is primarily so that we can be a good nation and state,” he said.

He hoped that the various political situations would not threaten the unity of the Republic of Indonesia. “Especially if it threatens the unity of the Republic of Indonesia,” he said.

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