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Religious Figures Ask Community to Maintain Unity in Political Year


JAKARTA – In the political year, people are expected to always maintain unity and be aware of provocations and politicization of SARA issues that can be used to divide the nation. The community should also not be easily influenced by statements that become leverage to divide society.

This was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), KH. Marsudi Syuhud in a dialogue program with the theme “Maintaining Unity in the Year of Politics” on the National TV station, Friday (24/2/2023) evening.

According to him, the political year has its own characteristics, so when taking a political position it will form a variety of situations. Election rituals are also expected to become ordinary rituals, so that people are encouraged to remain calm and act in a normal way, especially if it threatens the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The goal of politics is to compose plans for the next five years. The second is to unite, if the people of the nation have been united then they must work together and reduce noise. Therefore, the election is expected to run safely and comfortably, “said Kyai Marsudi.

Kyai Marsudi Syuhud also asked the public not to misinterpret in response to the speech delivered by the Chairperson of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarno Putri. His party considers that when someone talks about a statement or recites it, the one who understands it is the person who said it.

“If there are other people who respond to that statement, maybe there is a fit, or not. Because for the person responding, it is something of their own interpretation and it can be right or wrong. That’s why there is a name tabayyun, because of course Mrs. Mega doesn’t mean it like that, we have to be husnudzon for the sake of maintaining peace and unity,” he explained.

Previously in a different place, Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag), Dr. H. Zainut Tauhid Sa’adi, M.Sc. invites the public to be able to put forward good prejudice or husnudzon. According to him, Megawati did not forbid mothers from reciting the Koran, but only reminded mothers to be balanced in carrying out their duties in guiding children.

“He (Megawati) did not forbid or disapprove of the women’s recitation activities, but preferably in managing their time to be more proportional. So the essence of the message he conveyed is related to time management, not a ban on attending recitations,” said Zainut.

Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut also explained that taking part in recitations was a good thing. However, other obligations of mothers to take care of the household, educate children, and carry out other duties and obligations should not be abandoned.

“What Megawati said should be seen as constructive input, and can be used as material for evaluating the practice of recitation that has been taking place so far,” he added.

Meanwhile, the General Secretary of Baitul Muslimin Indonesia (Bamusi) PDIP. Nasyirul Falah Amru or Gus Falah explained that Megawati never forbade women from attending recitations. Gus Falah emphasized that Megawati only asked mothers to be balanced in reciting the Koran and taking care of their children.

“Reciting the Koran and taking care of the child are both for the benefit of the world and the hereafter, so it’s possible to balance it so that stunting and so on can be avoided, that’s the real message from Ms. Mega,” he said.

Megawati has already apologized before making such a statement so that people don’t get it wrong. She is also a Muslim woman, so it is impossible to ban recitation activities.

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