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Security Forces’ Hard Work Successfully Found KST Papua Headquarters, Leader Numbuk Telenggen


The hard work of all levels of security forces, joint TNI and Polri personnel in pursuing separatist gangs in the Papua Mountains also brought surprising results, namely that they were able to simultaneously find and then take control of the headquarters of KST Papua led by Numbuk Telenggen.

The security forces of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), who are members of the Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force, have recently succeeded in finding a hiding place for the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) in Bumi Cenderawasih, which is the leader of Numbuk Telenggen.

It is known that the hiding place was the headquarters of the terrorist gang, which was found in a forest area in Puncak Regency, Papua Mountain Province. Then, the discovery of a terrorist gang’s hideout in the easternmost province of the country turned out to be quite surprising. The reason is that initially the security forces consisting of joint personnel from the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) were trying to chase down the Papuan KST members after they launched their anarchic actions again by shooting a number of students at school level. Upper Menangah (SMA) / Vocational School in the area.

Luckily, due to the alertness and very fast movement carried out by the TNI and Polri security forces, the incident resulted in no casualties at all. Even so, suddenly the shooting incident carried out by KST Papua still caused fear among the students.

In fact, they were so afraid that a number of students were reported to be shaking because the school they lived in and which was supposed to be a place for learning and teaching activities had actually become the target of an attack by the most feared gang on Earth of Cenderawasih.

During the pursuit mission, it turned out that members of the group who continued to try to carry out treason with all their barbaric actions fled by entering a thicket area. However, even though the forest in that place is very dense, this does not dampen the determination and very strong commitment of the security forces from joint personnel to arrest the criminals.

With these findings, it certainly shocked the security forces themselves, therefore, they immediately tried to rush forward in order to occupy and take over the headquarters of KST Papua led by Numbuk Telenggen which was in the wilderness.

The raid, which was successfully carried out by all levels of security forces from joint personnel, also yielded results, namely that they were able to find a number of objects owned by the gang of vandals in Bumi Cenderawasih. Some of the items that were found and have now been secured were seven cell phones, then there were also a number of sharp weapons, binocular cameras and even a secret document.

For your information, the secret documents owned by KST Papua, the leader of Numbuk Telenggen, include pictures and videos containing the movements of criminal and terrorist groups and the situation of the meetings they held.

This also shows how hard work has been continuously carried out by the security forces from joint personnel, where they never tire at all to always serve the community and ensure the creation of a conducive situation even in all corners of Indonesia, including in Papua. .

Because only with the situation in Bumi Cenderawasih can security and tranquility be restored, the government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has also continued to intensify development, especially during the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), in order to overcome social inequality in all corners of the Land. Water and also improving the welfare of all people in the Land of Papua can be realized much more optimally.

Of course, with the very appropriate steps that have been taken by all levels of security forces from the joint personnel in securing the situation and conditions in the Papua Mountains so that they remain conducive to attacks by Separatist and Terrorist Groups, including efforts to successfully control and take over the headquarters of the leadership of Numbuk Telenggen, it is appropriate received very high appreciation from all people in the country.

Completely unaware of fear, all the soldiers from the TNI and Polri continued to advance in facing KST Papua members, when in fact they could only carry out attacks and then immediately run away.

The headquarters of KST Papua led by Numbuk Telenggen was found, controlled and secured. This is of course thanks to the very hard work of all levels of security forces from joint TNI and Polri personnel. Moreover, before they succeeded in taking over the headquarters, the security forces also showed their very agile and fast movements in pursuing the separatist gang which had caused chaos by shooting at the local high school/vocational school.

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