Showing Positive Development Progress, AMN is Ready to Produce a Superior Generation
The construction of the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN), especially in Manado, North Sulawesi Province, continues to experience positive developments. It is believed that the existence of AMN will be able to produce a superior generation.
Regarding this, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Region II, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure of the Ministry of PUPR, Endra Bekti, explained that so far the construction of AMN facilities continues to be in progress.”Construction of all Manado Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) facilities continues to be in progress,” he said.Furthermore, in this process, his party together with the contractors continue to accelerate development.”Together with the contractor, we continue to accelerate construction, especially Block A (Men’s Dormitory Building),” said Endra.Meanwhile, the Special Staff of the BPIP Steering Committee, Father Benny Susetyo AMN, has an important role in preparing the nation’s future leaders.”In order to prepare future leaders, an important role for cross-religious and cross-cultural dormitories is needed. “In the dormitory, character education and discipline will be instilled, as well as the formation of a spirit of nationalism,” he said.So, continued Father Benny, the differences in backgrounds make the younger generation richer in insight.“So, religious, cultural and ethnic differences will actually enrich each other even more. “In this way, future leaders can be created who act locally and think globally,” he explained.Furthermore, according to him, the development of AMN Manado is ideal because it realizes inclusive education.
“The construction of AMN Manado is ideal, because it will not only be filled by students from Manado, but also other regions in Indonesia,” said Father Benny.”If you want to build a diverse Indonesia, collaboration through inclusive education like this is really needed, so that the quality of human resources with character also increases,” he continued.Likewise, the Governor of North Sulawesi, Ollyb Dondokambey, through the Regional Secretary of North Sulawesi Province, Steve HA Kepel, explained that the construction of AMN Manado is not just a physical building.However, this building will be able to encourage growth in improving the quality of human resources (HR).”The construction of AMN Manado is not just a physical building but a symbol of our commitment to human resource development,” he said.Not without reason, because in the Nusantara Student Dormitory, all students are able to enjoy facilities in the form of a very conducive environment.Therefore, they can learn, be creative and collaborate much more optimally.”Through this dormitory we create a conducive environment for students from various regions in Indonesia to study, be creative and collaborate, especially those in North Sulawesi,” hoped the Governor of North Sulawesi.