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Silencing Anies’ Criticism, Sri Mulyani Presents Valid Data on Jokowi’s Success


Jakarta – Anies Baswedan again appeared with a controversial statement by comparing infrastructure development during President Jokowi’s era with SBY’s. This statement invited comments from a number of parties because it was considered not based on accurate data.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati conveyed that the construction of national roads has reached 1,385 kilometers in the last 8 years. Not only that, the quality of the infrastructure is also getting better.

“Various vital infrastructures have increased significantly both in terms of quantity and quality. The length of national roads, which were previously recorded at 46,432 kilometers in 2014, will increase by 1,385 kilometers to 47,817 kilometers in 2022,” explained Sri Mulyani.

The total length of provincial and district/city roads has also increased from 464,280 kilometers to 501,344 kilometers. Then, toll roads recorded an increase of 1,500 kilometers, from 930 kilometers in 2014 to 2,499 kilometers in 2022.

On the other hand, the development program during President Jokowi’s administration was considered to have had an impact on the progress of infrastructure and Human Resources (HR). This is because the development carried out by Jokowi is evenly distributed throughout the archipelago.

With the increase in the welfare of farmers, the financing of higher education for the children of farmers is no longer an obstacle. By getting higher education, a young generation is born who can bring Indonesia to be better in the future.

Riau University academician Hermandra said that with good infrastructure, the increase in the selling price of agricultural products will definitely have an impact on parents’ ability to send their children to school to the highest level.

“This is what is meant by infrastructure development will have an impact on improving the quality of human resources,” he added.

The infrastructure development promoted by President Jokowi from his inception until now has greatly benefited the people and the nation of Indonesia in the long run. Where can mobilize various commodities of goods and services, improve connectivity, move the economy to improve the quality of human resources.

“Seeing infrastructure development cannot only be measured from short-term benefits, but long-term. The government, in this case, the important thing is that connectivity between communities is getting smoother. With this massive development,” he said.

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