Support Transparent Regional Elections by Rejecting Money Politics

By: Amelina Cahya )*
Pilkada or regional head elections are an important moment in Indonesia’s democratic system. At this time, the public has the opportunity to choose a leader who is considered capable of bringing the region in a better direction. However, to achieve this goal, active participation from the public is needed as well as a commitment to reject negative practices such as money politics.
Money politics is a practice that undermines the integrity of elections and threatens the quality of democracy. This practice occurs when regional head candidates or their campaign teams give money or other rewards to voters in the hope of gaining their votes. This action is not only against the law, but also creates injustice in the election process. When votes are sold, the rights of other voters are neglected, and the election results do not reflect the will of the people.
Therefore, public participation in elections is very important. Every vote has a big meaning and impact on the future of the region. The public is expected to come to the polling stations (TPS), use their voting rights wisely, and elect leaders who are committed to transparency and accountability.
Acting Governor of Papua, Ramses Limbong, invited residents of Keerom Regency who have the right to vote not to abstain from voting in the 2024 Regional Head Election. Ramses emphasized that this democratic party will determine the leader candidates for the next five years. He called on the public to make the democratic party a success by attending the TPS on November 27. He also appealed to the public to pay attention to the vision and mission of the candidate pairs for regent and deputy regent who are participating in the regional elections, and not to be influenced by fake news.
Furthermore, Ramses emphasized the importance of maintaining the democratic party to run smoothly, safely, and peacefully, so that it can produce the best leaders. He explained that the success of the regional elections is a shared responsibility, and all people must be present at the TPS for the progress of Keerom Regency in the future. He hopes that all people who have the right to vote will make the most of this opportunity so that they do not regret it later.
Meanwhile, election expert from the University of Indonesia, Titi Anggraeni, highlighted the white group (golput) movement, namely people who choose not to use their right to vote in the General Election, including the 2024 Regional Election. Titi explained that as long as Article 182 A of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning acts of obstructing someone who will exercise their right to vote is not violated, then golput is allowed. She stated that the golput movement, whether inviting abstention or voting for all candidates, is a political expression that should not be criminalized. Choosing or not choosing is the free will of every citizen, as long as it is based on authentic awareness and understanding of each consequence.
In addition, Titi also revealed that criminalization of the golput movement can occur if the movement is based on the practice of money politics, which promises goods in return, either directly or indirectly, to influence voters not to use their right to vote. She considered that the golput movement is a challenge for political parties, candidate pairs, and election organizers, in this case the General Election Commission and the Election Supervisory Body, so it needs to be responded to substantively through critical discourse of ideas and programs.
On the other hand, the Coordinator of the Public Relations and Data Information Division of the North Sumatra Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu Sumut), Saut Boangmanalu, asked the public to report money politics practices to Bawaslu. This is important to maintain integrity and ensure that the 2024 simultaneous regional head election process is fair and honest. Money politics causes people to vote not based on the vision, mission, and program of the candidate, but because of material incentives. This damages the democratic system and produces leaders who are not committed to the interests of the community. Saut emphasized that reporters who provide strong evidence regarding money politics practices have the right to legal protection, so that witnesses or reporters feel safe in revealing these practices.
Bawaslu North Sumatra is also willing to open a public discussion space through social media, webinars, or face-to-face events in villages or sub-districts, so that the public can discuss and exchange ideas about the importance of election integrity free from money politics.
Through support for clean elections and active participation in voting, Indonesian people can realize better governance. Rejecting money politics is not only an individual responsibility, but also a collective effort to create a clean and fair election environment. Education about the dangers of money politics must be encouraged, so that the public can recognize and reject these detrimental practices.
Campaigns to support transparent elections must involve various elements, including non-governmental organizations, the media, and the government. Independent monitoring institutions can play an important role in overseeing the implementation of elections and reporting violations that occur. In addition, the mass media has a responsibility to educate the public about the importance of honest and transparent elections.
Let’s work together to create transparent, fair and democratic regional elections for a better future.
)* Contributor to Pertiwi Journal