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The Future of Indonesian Education: Prabowo-Gibran’s Innovative Policies for Superior Human Resources


By: Miftahul Jannah *)

Education is the main foundation for the progress of a nation. In Indonesia, efforts to build a superior and equitable education system have become a top priority. Moreover, in this challenging era, the need for superior human resources (HR) has become very urgent. Through an approach that focuses on innovation, the president and vice president-elect, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, are committed to creating quality education that is relevant to the needs of the times.

One of the main policies promoted by Prabowo-Gibran is the development of adequate educational infrastructure. Commitment to building adequate classrooms, laboratories and libraries throughout Indonesia is one of the main focuses. Apart from that, efforts to improve schools that are currently in poor condition are also a serious concern in this program.

In continuing the programs that have been implemented by President Joko Widodo, such as the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP), Prabowo-Gibran aims to provide educational assistance to millions of pupils and students throughout the country. Professional allowances for non-PNS teachers will also be provided to improve the welfare and quality of teaching, so as to produce better education.

Apart from that, one of the innovative programs promoted by Prabowo-Gibran is the Free Nutritious Meal Program. This initiative aims to provide nutritious food to children, toddlers and pregnant women throughout Indonesia. This program is intended to overcome the problems of poverty, malnutrition, and stunting or tengkes which are still big challenges in Indonesia.

The free nutritious meal program promoted by the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka couple received appreciation from various groups, including the Director of the Indonesian Economic and Political Association (AEPI), Salamudin Daeng. He assessed that this program covers three important aspects, namely humanity, concern for the little people, and improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) to prepare Indonesia to face the demographic bonus towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.

Salamudin explained that the initiative not only provides free food, but also aims to increase public awareness regarding the importance of optimal nutritional intake, especially for pregnant women and school children. This is considered a strategic step in responding to the economic impact of the post-Covid-19 pandemic which has increased malnutrition rates globally. This crisis has resulted in many families losing income, making it difficult to buy nutritious food, which in turn increases the risk of malnutrition and stunting in children.

Apart from that, Salamudin emphasized that the issue of malnutrition is a big challenge faced by many countries in the world, including Indonesia. Therefore, he hopes that this program can be a solution to curb the increase in malnutrition, both in school children and pregnant women. He also added that this program is not only about providing ready-to-eat food, but also providing nutritious food such as chicken and eggs, which are very abundant in Indonesia.

Apart from that, the free nutritious meal program also has a positive economic impact because it can encourage the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in various regions, especially in rural areas. Local businesses, such as vegetable and fruit farming, are expected to grow due to the need for food for school children and pregnant women. Thus, this program not only improves the quality of human resources but also strengthens the national economy.

Prabowo also previously explained that this free nutritious meal program would reach more than 80 million people, including children from various levels of education and pregnant women. It is hoped that this program can build awareness of the importance of adequate nutrition for the nation’s next generation.

Member of the Advisory Council of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Melli Darsa, stated that the free nutritious meal program had been tested on around 250 children at SD Negeri 2 Gunung Batu, where they received nutritious food that was carefully prepared. The food menu served consists of milk, bananas and meat bread.

Meanwhile, health expert, dr. Stephanie Wirdjowartani, added that this nutritious food menu is carefully designed to provide a balanced nutritional intake for children. The food served contains carbohydrates, protein and fiber which are in line with daily nutritional needs. The sugar content in these foods is also carefully considered according to recommendations from the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

This initiative has received support from other parties who see it as a concrete step in creating a healthy and strong generation of Indonesians for the future. By involving MSMEs in providing food, it is hoped that this program will be sustainable and have a significant impact not only on improving nutrition, but also on the economic welfare of the community.

Overall, Prabowo-Gibran’s innovative policies for Indonesian education reflect the determination to create superior human resources who are ready to compete in the global era. Through strengthening the curriculum, increasing access and quality of education, as well as community involvement, it is hoped that the future of education in Indonesia will become brighter and make a real contribution to the nation’s progress.

*) Nutritionist for Children and Pregnant Women

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