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The government is committed to maintaining food price stability during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr


The holy month of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr are very important moments for Muslims in Indonesia. During this period, demand for food increases significantly due to fast breaking activities and preparations for Eid al-Fitr. Therefore, the government is trying to ensure the availability and stability of food prices so that people can celebrate this moment calmly and peacefully. The government continues to optimize the supply and stabilization of basic commodities during the month of Ramadan and ahead of Eid al-Fitr. One of the efforts made by the government is to increase food production. The government has provided support to farmers through agricultural programs aimed at increasing productivity and quality of agricultural products. Apart from that, the government is also trying to increase efficiency in the food supply chain, from production to distribution.

It is hoped that food availability can be well maintained during the months of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. Apart from providing support for agricultural programs, the government also provides food assistance to the community. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that this food aid program is one of the government’s steps in maintaining food stability and this program will continue.

The government is also taking steps to control food prices. The government is collaborating with the Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) and the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) to monitor and control food commodity prices. The government also intervenes in the market if necessary, such as importing strategic food ingredients to maintain availability and price stability. One of the programs from the government through the National Food Agency (Bapanas), namely the Cheap Food Movement (GPM), is a program that is an important instrument in keeping food prices stable and affordable in society.

Head of Bapanas, Arief Prasetyo, said that the Cheap Food Movement (GPM) is one of the government programs that shows the government’s commitment to maintaining food price stability during the months of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. The Cheap Food Movement sells strategic food ingredients which include rice, soybeans, consumer sugar, cooking oil, corn, onions, chilies, meat and chicken eggs. The government also involves the community in maintaining food price stability. The government is conducting outreach to the public about the importance of maintaining stable food prices. The public is asked not to overstock food and maintain the cleanliness and quality of the food they consume. The government also urges the public to report any monopolistic practices or hoarding of food ingredients that could disrupt price stability. The government will increase supervision of the market, to prevent hoarding practices or price speculation that could cause unreasonable increases. Strict action will be taken against business actors who violate the established rules. The government’s commitment to maintaining food price stability during the months of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr is very important to maintain economic stability and community welfare. Stable food prices will provide certainty for producers, distributors and consumers. Apart from that, food price stability will also encourage economic growth and reduce the inflation rate. However, even though the government has made various efforts to maintain food price stability, there are still several challenges that must be faced. One of the main challenges is fluctuations in food commodity prices on the international market. Price changes in international markets can affect domestic food prices. Therefore, the government needs to continue to monitor and anticipate price changes on the international market to take appropriate steps to maintain food price stability.

Apart from that, weather factors can also influence food production. Dry seasons or natural disasters can disrupt food production and cause prices to rise. The government needs to have an emergency plan to deal with situations like this and ensure food availability is maintained. In facing this challenge, cooperation between the government, farmers, distributors and the community is very important. All parties must work together to maintain food price stability during the months of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. Farmers need to be given sufficient support and incentives to increase food production. Distributors need to maintain the quality and cleanliness of the food they distribute. People need to be smart and responsible consumers, not hoard and report practices that are detrimental to food price stability.

With the government’s commitment and cooperation from all parties, it is hoped that food price stability during the months of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr can be well maintained. People can celebrate this moment calmly and peacefully, without worrying about drastic increases in food prices. The government continues to strive to improve people’s welfare through good food price stability. May the month of Ramadhan and Eid al-Fitr bring happiness and blessings to all Muslims in Indonesia without feeling burdened by the problem of food availability and prices.

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