The Job Creation Law Accepts the Aspirations of Various Parties
By: Irene S
The Job Creation Law (UU) was launched as part of efforts to stimulate Indonesia’s slowing economic growth. The Job Creation Law aims to simplify regulations, speed up bureaucratic processes, and increase the competitiveness of the national economy, which has attracted the attention of various parties, including government, business and civil society.
The Indonesian government, which is the main initiative behind the Job Creation Law, emphasizes that this law is important for creating jobs and increasing foreign investment. They argue that simplifying regulations will attract investors and encourage sustainable economic growth. Apart from that, the government also emphasized its commitment to continue dialogue with various parties to improve the implementation of this law.
The Job Creation Law had become a polemic when it was first passed. The Government tried to improve it by absorbing aspirations carried out by the Task Force for Accelerating Socialization of the Job Creation Law. Secretary of the Job Creation Law Task Force, Arif Budimanta, said the task force was formed based on Presidential Decree no. 16 of 2022 to socialize and monitor the implementation of the Job Creation Law so that the benefits can be felt by levels of society.
The Job Creation Law plays a role in establishing mutual understanding between the central and regional governments, with business actors and civil society as a whole. Support for the Job Creation Law does not only mean supporting the government, but also supporting the aspirations and needs of various segments of society.
The Indonesian government, which is the main initiative behind the Job Creation Law, emphasizes that this law is important for creating jobs and increasing foreign investment. They argue that simplifying regulations will attract investors and encourage sustainable economic growth. Apart from that, the government also emphasized its commitment to continue dialogue with various parties to improve the implementation of this law.
President Joko Widodo said that the Job Creation Law is not just a law but builds a new culture in work that is more affirmative, inclusive, accountable and responsible. Indonesia has attractive economic potential, especially supported by an extraordinary diversity of biological resources that have never been explored, not only land resources but also marine areas.
The business sector welcomes the steps taken by the government through the Job Creation Law. They argue that deregulation will open the door to new investment and expand business opportunities. Some companies have even expressed their intention to increase their investment in Indonesia in response to this policy.
It is important to recognize that every government policy will never fully satisfy all parties. However, the Job Creation Law is an effort to respond to complex economic challenges, such as increasing economic competitiveness, creating jobs and increasing investment. In facing these challenges, the government needs to listen to and take into account various input from the community.
Gadjah Mada University Economics Expert, Prof. Dr. Gunawan Sumodiningrat analogized the big mission of the Job Creation Law to eradicate poverty in Indonesia with the main goal in life, namely achieving happiness. The presence of the Job Creation Law aims to simplify bureaucracy, making business licensing easier. Ease of business permits will result in many entrepreneurs creating job opportunities.
Civil society’s reactions to the Job Creation Law are more varied. A number of labor groups and environmental activists have strongly criticized the law, considering it a threat to workers’ rights and further environmental damage. Massive demonstrations took place in various cities in Indonesia as a form of protest against the implementation of this law.
However, it is important to remember that supporting the Job Creation Law does not mean ignoring the interests of workers and employees. Despite concerns about labor protection, the Job Creation Law actually has the potential to improve working conditions through increased investment in skills training, social protection and social mobility opportunities.
Of course, the implementation of the Job Creation Law will not run smoothly without the involvement and supervision of various parties, including civil society, labor organizations and non-governmental organizations. Openness to accepting criticism and input from various segments of society is the key to success in realizing shared aspirations for economic and social progress.
Supporting the Job Creation Law is not only about supporting government policies, but also about supporting the aspirations and needs of various parties. By taking into account various perspectives and interests, we can create more inclusive and sustainable policies for Indonesia’s future. This law is expected to bring long-term benefits to the Indonesian economy and society as a whole.
In this way, the Job Creation Law can be an instrument for achieving the common good, strengthening the economy and improving the welfare of Indonesian society.
Therefore, support and involvement from various parties is needed to ensure fair and sustainable implementation is felt by the entire community.
)* Bhayangkara University student.