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The Spirit of Papuan Youth Develops Skills and Creativity Ahead of the Inauguration of PYCH


Papua – The Papua Youth Creative Hub or PYCH building is ready to be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo. The building, which is located in Wahno Village, Abepura District, Jayapura City, Papua Province, is a forum for young talents as well as a center for developing creativity and innovation for Papuan youth.

PMI (Inspiring Young Papuans), in collaboration with other Papuan youths and stakeholders, utilizes the building for various programs in developing human resources and efforts to improve the community’s economy.

The existence of PYCH and PMI is one of BIN’s efforts to support the progress of the young generation of Papua.

PMI organizes many programs through various self-development activities, as well as to complement business skills, including other soft skills, such as communication, leadership, and basic management.

Currently, the Papuan youth community who are members of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) are introducing their applications namely Pacific Park Tour and Travel, Container (waste bank management), Village Assistance Application, and Papuan Talent Management. The application aims to encourage the progress of Papua.

The coordinator of the four applications made by Papuan children at PYCH, Nanny Uswanas explained, the Pacific Park Tour and Travel application is a solution to tourism problems for a number of regions in Papua. The Papuan youth who are included in the Papua Young Inspirational organization are under the guidance of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

“We are trying to integrate the tourism ecosystem there. We see that in Papua access to tourism is rather difficult, there are only a few information about famous tourist destinations in Papua,” said Nanny in a written statement to the media.

He said this application also introduces other tours and integrates them.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Nanny turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Presiden Joko Widodo karena telah membangun gedung PYCH di Jayapura Papua. Menurutnya, gedung tersebut bermanfaat untuk menjadi wadah bagi anak muda Papua dalam menuangkan kreativitas mereka.

“Saya mewakili founder dan seluruh anggota Papua Muda Inspiratif di seluruh Papua, ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada Bapak Jokowi yang sudah memberikan wadah untuk pengembangan talenta di tanah Papua,” tutur Nanny.

Ia pun turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada BIN yang sudah melakukan pembinaan dan dukungan penuh atas kreasi serta hasil karya anak muda Papua.

Sebelumnya, salah satu anggota kelompok pembudidaya ikan nila di Kampung Nolokla, Distrik Sentani Timur, Jayapura, Papua, Franspouw mengatakan, dengan pendampingan yang dilakukan PMI, perkembangan budidaya di kelompoknya berkembang sangat baik.

“Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada BIN, KKP dan PMI yang telah bersama-sama dengan kelompok kami untuk budiaya ikan nila dengan sistem bioflok,” ujar Franspouw.

Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) terus mendorong kemajuan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di Tanah Papua, salah satunya melalui pembinaan organisasi pemuda, yakni Papua Muda Inspiratif (PMI), termasuk juga dengan mendukung pembangunan gedung Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan talenta dan potensi generasi muda Papua dalam rangka mengakselerasi pemerataan pembangunan di Papua. []

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