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Upholding Religious Tolerance During Pope Francis’ Visit to Indonesia


By: Gavin Asadit )* Indonesia, as a country with extraordinary cultural and religious diversity, has long been an example to the world in terms of tolerance and harmony between religious communities. However, challenges to these values ​​remain, especially when major events such as visits by world religious figures take place. One such important event is the visit of Pope Francis to Indonesia which will take place on September 3-6, 2024. This visit is not only a historic moment for Catholics in Indonesia, but also a reminder of the importance of maintaining and upholding the values ​​of religious tolerance in a diverse society. The Archbishop of Jakarta, Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo said that Pope Francis’ visit brought an important message about religion that can be a tool to unite, not divide, and hopes that messages of peace and unity will be heard more strongly, not only in Indonesia but also throughout Indonesia. Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church and one of the most influential religious figures in the world, has been known for his messages of peace and interfaith dialogue. His visit to Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, reflects his commitment to interfaith dialogue and efforts to build bridges between communities of different faiths. This is Pope Francis’ third visit to Indonesia, marking a long history in maintaining harmony between religious communities. In this context, Pope Francis’ visit can be seen as a moment to strengthen Indonesia’s commitment to tolerance and harmony, especially amidst various global challenges to religious freedom. Although Indonesia is known as a pluralistic country, it is undeniable that there are still challenges to religious tolerance in the country. Various incidents of intolerance, discrimination, and religious-based violence still occur in several regions. This condition shows that hard work to maintain and increase tolerance must continue to be carried out by all parties, including the government, religious leaders, and the general public. Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of PBNU, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf said that it is important to maintain diversity as a gift from God that must be maintained together, with Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia as an opportunity to strengthen the nation’s commitment to religious tolerance. Furthermore, the Indonesian government has a crucial role in maintaining security and order during Pope Francis’ visit. Appropriate security measures must be taken to ensure that the visit is not only smooth but also safe for all parties involved. In addition, the government must also be active in promoting messages of tolerance and harmony between religious communities to the wider community, both through mass media and public campaigns.

On the other hand, religious figures from various religions in Indonesia also have a responsibility to encourage their followers to maintain an attitude of mutual respect and appreciation for differences. Inclusive and constructive interfaith dialogue must continue to be encouraged, especially ahead of Pope Francis’ visit. This is important to prevent misunderstandings or provocations that could damage the harmony that has been built so far. In addition, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Trade and Industry Association (KADIN), Arsjad Rasjid said the importance of cross-religious and cultural collaboration as the key to realizing sustainable peace, collaboration in diversity is one of Indonesia’s greatest strengths. Tolerance and harmony between religious communities are the main keys to maintaining the success of Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia. By upholding these values, Indonesian society can show the world that religious diversity is not an obstacle to living together in peace. On the contrary, this diversity is a wealth that must be celebrated and preserved. Pope Francis himself has repeatedly emphasized the importance of interfaith dialogue and cooperation as a way to achieve world peace. On various occasions, he has invited humanity to respect, understand, and work together for the sake of creating a more just and peaceful world. Therefore, his visit to Indonesia can be an inspiration for all parties to be more active in promoting tolerance and harmony in society. It is also important to remember that tolerance does not mean eliminating each other’s religious identity or beliefs, but rather how we can appreciate differences and live together in harmony. Tolerance is about accepting diversity as part of life, and trying to create a space where everyone feels valued and accepted. During Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia, all parties committed to upholding the values ​​of tolerance and harmony between religious communities. This visit is not only a historic moment for Catholics in Indonesia, but also an opportunity for the entire Indonesian nation to demonstrate our commitment to peace and harmony amidst diversity. By maintaining an attitude of mutual respect and cooperation, we can ensure that this visit becomes a symbol of the strength of unity in diversity, and brings a message of peace from Indonesia to the world.)* The author is an observer of social and community issues

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