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MUI Allows Vaccinations during Ramadan Fasting


By: Zulkarnain) *

MUI has issued a circular that allows vaccines to be administered during fasting. With this provision, the vaccination and community immunity program targets are expected to be realized soon.

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) plans to open operational hours for the corona virus (Covid-19) vaccination program from day to night during the upcoming Ramadan month.

The plan followed the results of the plenary meeting of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which stated that the activity of injecting the Covid-19 vaccine did not cancel fasting.

Spokesperson for Vaccination from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, revealed that with the fatwa from the MUI, we can vaccinate people who are fasting. But there is an alternative if it can’t be done during the day, we can give vaccinations at night in the month of Ramadan.

If you have this, of course there is no longer any reason for society to refuse vaccines, because vaccination is our success together. Nadia also explained the reason MUI gave the green light for vaccines when it was fasting, because the Covid-19 vaccination was carried out by intramuscular injection.

Intramuscular is an injection technique by injecting drugs through a muscle. According to MUI, this action may be carried out during Ramadan as long as it does not cause danger. Furthermore, Nadia admitted that currently the Ministry of Health is preparing a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the vaccination program at night. Nadia said that his party wanted to make sure the vaccination agenda ran smoothly and did not cause crowds either day or night.

On different occasions, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin also played a role in convincing all citizens that the injection of the corona virus vaccine in the month of Ramadan does not necessarily cancel fasting. Therefore, Ma’ruf invited the Indonesian people to be able to take part in the corona virus vaccination. According to him, vaccination is an effort to protect oneself and others from disease outbreaks.

Ma’ruf Amin explained that a fasting person is not canceled because of vaccination, because the fluids that enter the body do not go through the opening which cancels them. Therefore, a person who is fasting is still valid and can continue his fasting without fear of breaking it.

Since January 13, 2021, the Indonesian government has gradually intensified Covid-19 vaccination to tackle the corona virus pandemic. The target of covid-19 vaccination is 70 percent of Indonesia’s population to achieve herd immunity against the corona virus.

The MUI also issued a fatwa regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The MUI also stated that the Covid-19 vaccination which was carried out during the month of Ramadan did not invalidate fasting. Head of the MUI Fatwa Division Asrorun Niam Sholeh said that the Covid-19 vaccination which is carried out by intramuscular injection does not invalidate fasting.

The MUI also recommends that the implementation of the Corona vaccination in the month of Ramadan continues to pay attention to the condition of Muslims who are observing fasting. If you are worried about side effects after vaccination due to weak conditions during fasting, the MUI recommends that the injection be done at night.

This fatwa is expected to be a guide for Muslims to carry out fasting in accordance with established rules. MUI also said that Muslims must participate in the covid-19 vaccination program in order to achieve group immunity and be free from the covid-19 outbreak.

Asrorun also said that the current vaccination is an effort to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic through intramuscular injection. Intramuscular injection is done by injecting the drug from the ampoule or vaccine vial through the muscle.

In this way, the MUI stated that vaccination during fasting would not cancel the saum prayer. This is stated in the MUI Fatwa Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Law of Covid-19 Vaccination when Fasting.

Previously, MUI also issued Fatwa Number 02 of 2021 regarding the corona vaccine produced by Sinovac and Biofarma. This fatwa also binds to 3 corona virus vaccines made by Sinovac Life Science and PT Bio Farma (Persero), namely CoronaVac, Covid-19 Vaccine and Vac2bio. Previously, BPOM has also officially issued an emergency use authorization for the Sinovac corona virus.

Public doubts about vaccination during the day in the month of Ramadan are certainly a question mark for some Muslims. So that MUI should provide socialization related to halal or how to administer vaccines.

) * The author is a citizen living in Pekanbaru, Riau

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