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Drugs as Soft Terrorism

emergency of drug in Indonesia
emergency of drug in Indonesia

By : Iboy Sandi *)

 Jakarta – CIDISS. The use of narcotics and illegal drugs in Indonesia are very apprehensive. This can be seen from the high number of drug addicts, as well as the increasing smuggling of illicit drugs into the country. Even the spread of drugs has been circulated in all levels of society, from students, college students, to officials and state bureaucrats. Not to mention the impact caused by the use of illegal drugs is no less terrible than conventional terrorism (hard terrorism). Because, according to the head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Budi Waseso, every day 30-40 people die from drugs.

Imagine if the people of Indonesia are many who use drugs, how many lives of Indonesia’s population will be lost due to illegal drugs, in addition to the other adverse effects on the lives of the people of Indonesia who of course also have an impact on the decline in the competitiveness of nations and countries in the global world. This is certainly a threat and terror (soft terrorism) for the people and the country of Indonesia.

Currently, Indonesia’s leading position as the largest market share for the sale of drugs in ASEAN. That was said by the head of BNN Budi Waseso in early 2016, in Banyuwangi, East Java. He even stated that the number of drug users in Indonesia by the end of 2015 reached 5.9 million people, this number increases dramatically when earlier in the month June 2015 the number of drug users is only 4.9 million people. Not to mention in terms of distribution, the Directorate of Customs and Excise (DJBC) recorded an increase in smuggling drugs into Indonesia in the range of 2013 to 2015, mainly by sea transportation. That is a row of 18 cases, 28 cases to 59 cases in 2015.

This is certainly a serious concern of the government to combat the problem of this illegal drugs. Even the concrete steps taken by the government such as setting up 6 Center for Information and Education (PIE) drugs in Indonesia as a forum to provide information knowledge and awareness to the community for fear of drugs, one of which is located in Yogyakarta on 14 April 2016 needs to be appreciated. PIE Drug Establishment is certainly as one of the early efforts to prevent the attack of soft terrorism through drugs in the community. Because by pressing the number of users and drug addicts in Indonesia is expected to eliminate the market share of the drug itself.

In fact, all ministries / agencies ranging from BNN, Police, Army, Ministry of law and human rights, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Ministry of education and culture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Affairs until BIN of course must be directly involved in efforts to combat this drug for the achievement of the Republic Indonesia is free from drugs. [IS]

*) Jakarta Contributor


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