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Special Autonomy Policy Proven to Advance Papua


By: Dombe Lokbere (Papuan Student in Bandung)

Infrastructure development and special autonomy (otsus) are priority programs of the government in Papua. The success of its implementation has made Cenderawasih Earth even more successful. The community also feels many benefits and will certainly support the continuation of the development program and Special Autonomy Volume 2 in the context of realizing a more advanced and prosperous Papua.

Various Papuan community leaders consisting of tribal leaders, youth leaders, and religious leaders also supported the sustainability of Special Autonomy Volume 2.

As stated by Billy Mambrasar as the Special Staff of President Joko Widodo, he said that 500 Papuan millennials have the view that Otsus is a process that needs continuous improvement to achieve the main goal, namely the welfare and progress of Papua. For example, in the use of the budget, it is necessary to improve because otsus is a process of building body and soul, so it needs a comprehensive distribution.

In addition, Billy also mentioned that the good things that have been obtained from the special autonomy system, such as in the education sector, which is an investment in human resources, need to be continuously supported and improved. He agreed that in order to get better, it is necessary to listen to the aspirations of AOP so that Otsus can run better.

During the 20 years of the implementation of Otsus Papua, development in Papua and West Papua Provinces has shown various progress, especially in the fields of economy and infrastructure, as well as human resources.

Central government funding support of Rp. 137 trillion consisting of Rp. 94 trillion of special autonomy funds and Rp. 43 trillion of additional infrastructure funds, enabling the implementation of development in Papua Province with 29 districts / cities and West Papua Province with 13 districts / cities.

The Papua Special Autonomy Policy is a meeting point for strengthening integration in the Papua region while at the same time building the welfare of the people in Cenderawasih Earth.

The presence of Otsus also makes it easier for regions to regulate policies for regional heads who are indigenous Papuans, cultural institutions such as the Papuan People’s Council and the DPR from the appointment mechanism.

Special Autonomy for Papua Volume 2 of course must continue by continuing to make improvements to the system, so that if there is a deficiency, of course it can be evaluated so that the existence of Otsus can be enjoyed by the people of Papua and West Papua more thoroughly.

Therefore, all of us must guard the success of Papua’s Special Autonomy by actively fighting hoaxes and provocative content about Otsus for the progress and welfare of Papua.

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