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Supporting the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination Program


By: Kukuh Hadipramono) *

We must support mutual cooperation vaccination, because this program is very good. If there are 2 routes of vaccination, it will accelerate the national vaccination. So that more and more have immunity to fight corona. We will all be healthy and the pandemic could end. So that you will be able to live a normal life and work spirit as before.

The national vaccination program is a government program so that all people get a free corona vaccine injection. The vaccines that are injected are from Sinovac, AstraZeneca, and several other types. However, the obstacle in this program is the large number of Indonesian citizens (225 million people), so the queues are very long. It is predicted that it will only be completed in 18 months.

To speed up the vaccination queue, a mutual vaccination route was created. Employees can get vaccines from their office. If there are 2 types of programs, the community can get vaccines faster and the queue is estimated to be completed in 12 months. So that we will quickly get herd immunity and the pandemic period is declared over.

Shinta Kamdani, Deputy Chairperson of KADIN stated that the mutual cooperation vaccination scheme will start April 2021. Must wait from the government, because the provider is Bio Farma. There are already 17,500 companies that have registered with KADIN and it is estimated that 8.6 million employees will get the vaccine from this route. There are also those who invite their family members.

Shinta continued, there are various companies that have applied for mutual cooperation vaccinations. They are engaged in manufacturing, transportation, property, etc. There are also MSMEs that register. In that sense, many companies are aware of the importance of mutual aid vaccination, so they volunteer to register. In addition, this vaccination is still free, because the costs are borne by the company.

Even though they register with KADIN, the coordinator is still from the Ministry of Health. Because he is the one who has the authority to vaccinate in Indonesia. The Ministry of Health will regulate how the distribution of vaccines from BioFarma to hospitals designated as vaccination sites, health workers who are vaccinators, regulating vaccine storage temperatures, etc.

Mutual cooperation vaccination must be supported because it will make more Indonesian citizens get the vaccine faster. They don’t have to wait long to get SMS from the Ministry of Health and queue at the Puskesmas. However, you only need to wait in line for a while when you get the mutual cooperation vaccination, because there are only a few co-workers at the office.

There is no doubt about the safety of independent vaccination. Although the route is different from the national vaccination program, the terms and standards are the same. For mutual cooperation vaccination, the Sinopharm and Moderna vaccines will be used. The Sinopharm vaccine is stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius, while Moderna is stored at a temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius.

The plan is for the Moderna vaccine storage area to be loaned. So that it will not increase the budget to buy new cold storage. So that the company only needs to follow the procedures from KADIN and the Ministry of Health and pay for the vaccine.

The vaccine payment from the company is a form of concern for CEOs, because they think about the health of their employees. Because actually employees are also company assets. So that it deserves health facilities, including the corona vaccine.

If all workers are corona free, then the office will be safe from the covid-19 virus attack. Employees will work more productively. As a result, the company’s turnover has also increased. So there is nothing to lose when company leaders pay for vaccines for their workers.

Mutual cooperation vaccination is a way for all Indonesian citizens to be vaccinated more quickly. Because if the whole community relies on the national vaccination route, it will take at least 18 months. However, if you add the independent route, aka mutual cooperation, the maximum estimated queue is only 12 months. So that we can be free from the pandemic more quickly.

) * The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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