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TWK KPK employees are in accordance with the provisions


By: Muhammad Yasin)*

The national insight test (TWK) that was taken by all KPK employees was controversial, because some did not pass. However, KPK officials firmly held the principle that TWK had complied with the provisions. Because the fact is that if KPK employees are to be appointed as ASN, of course they have to go through this test, just like other CPNS.

The KPK is an anti-corruption agency that was founded in the era of former President Megawati. The task of the KPK is of course to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism in Indonesia. So that it is hoped that this country will be free from the ravages of tie rats aka naughty corruptors, and will be thrown into jail according to their mistakes.

Some time ago, KPK employees underwent a national insight test, because they would be appointed as state civil servants (ASN). This is based on PP number 41 of 2020. They have to work on questions and be asked about their level of nationalism, understanding of Pancasila, whether they are related to separatist and radical organizations, etc.

After the test was held, there were 75 people who did not pass. However, not all of them failed to become ASN, because there were 24 people who were given a second chance. While the rest can still work until October 2021.

The decision of the KPK officials immediately shocked the public. However, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri remained firm in his stance. According to him, the questions on the national insight test were made by other state institutions, so that they were confirmed to be valid and that there was no element of subjectivity during the test. There is no such thing as strangling a certain employee out of personal vendetta.

The national insight test that was carried out by all KPK employees was previously called the state moderation test. This test is divided into 2, namely a written session and an interview. Some examples of this test question the pride of being an Indonesian citizen, about terrorism, jihad, racism, punishment for blasphemy, democracy, LGBT, and others.

Judging from the sample questions, it is very reasonable when the national insight test is considered valid and in accordance with the provisions. Because KPK employees will be appointed as state civil servants. This means that it must have a high level of nationalism and must not have relations with terrorist, separatist, and radical organizations. As state servants, they must be loyal to the country, right?

Karyono Wibowo, Executive Director of the Indonesian Public Institute stated that the national insight test was in accordance with the provisions and mandates of the law. Because there is already a legal umbrella, namely Law number 19 of 2019 and Law number 41 of 2020. As well as KPK regulations regarding procedures for transferring KPK employees to state civil servants.

Karyono added, there are 3 important things that are requirements when KPK employees want to be appointed as ASN. First, loyal to the state, Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the legitimate government. Second, not involved in illegal organizations, and thirdly having good morals and integrity.

This provision also applies to all prospective civil servants, not only to KPK employees. So it is certain that the rules will be the same for each state institution and ministry. For CPNS, they also have to take a national insight test, in addition to math tests and other tests, as well as administrative selections. The exam is indeed more difficult because being an ASN has a workload and responsibilities.

The national insight test is in accordance with the standards and is not made up, for certain reasons. So forget about the polemic about TWK, because there is no other emotional or hurt motive for certain employees.

The national insight test is 100% valid and in accordance with applicable regulations. The legal umbrella is also strong. KPK employees who do not pass the test are expected to be humble and continue their careers elsewhere.

)* The author is a contributor to the Pekalongan Literacy Forum

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