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PBNU Fully Supports PPKM Extension Policy


Jakarta, Cidiss.co – The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board supports the extension of the implementation of the level 4 community activity restriction (PPKM). This policy is the government’s effort to control the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

PBNU Secretary General Helmy Faishal Zaini said PPKM Level 4 was a joint effort to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19.

“This is a health problem. Moreover, this Delta variant is 7 times more potentially infectious than the previous variant,” said Helmy in an Interactive Radio Kitchen Teen talk show with the theme Successfully Dealing with PPKM Level 4 Covid-19, Monday (23/8/2021).

According to Helmy, the main problem with the delta variant is its easy transmission. Moreover, transmission when gathering without wearing a mask and talking at a distance of half a meter will cause droplets. Emergency PPKM Level 4 imposes restrictions on community activities, both macro and micro, meaning that people are asked to stay home.

Helmy admitted that this policy, which was originally called Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), was welcomed by pros and cons from the public, experts, and officials. Because the PSBB is related to health problems and economic problems.

Regarding worship during PPKM, PBNU understands that in an emergency situation there are various kinds of waivers that make it possible for people to no longer worship in congregation.

“Such as Friday prayers can be replaced with other worship such as Zuhur prayer,” he said.

He added that PBNU itself captured the aspirations of the people who asked the government to revoke PPKM. The reason is the economy of the people who do not have a fixed income.

“PBNU has conveyed to the government both to the president, vice president, and related agencies to find a solution. Is it by using the APBN or APBD budget. This is to tackle community members affected by COVID, for example, social assistance, BLT, which are given directly to affected residents PPKM,” he said.

Helmy emphasized that although there are obstacles in implementing the PPKM policy, the government has guaranteed its citizens through social security protection. For this reason, PBNU continues to educate people related to religion, even though there are many strong controversies among the lower classes. This is for the safety and protection of the citizens.

“Regarding the extension of the PPKM, it is like we are sick and need to be given bitter medicine, but this must be done because the medicine is bitter. Why take this kind of consideration, because there are many aspects to consider with the aim of protecting the people,” said Helmy.

PBNU itself established the NU Cares Covid 19 Task Force, which so far has spent a budget of IDR 1.6 trillion. The budget is for the distribution of basic necessities, masks and hand sanitizers through the Amil Zakat Infak Shodaqoh Institution program. Another effort is in the form of assisting the existence of vaccination activities in various regions with the government and stakeholders.

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