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Fighting Radical Understanding Through Law Enforcement Efforts


By: Taufiq Kaustar)*

Radicalism is a real threat to the Indonesian people. The community also supports the eradication of radicalism through efforts to enforce applicable laws in order to protect the people from anti-Pancasila ideology.

Have you ever watched television shows about bombings and other acts of terror? The puppeteer is certain to believe in radicalism, because only those groups are determined to commit violence and create chaos, and have the heart to take the lives of others. Terrorists in Indonesia work with a guerrilla system so they have not been caught 100% until now.

Therefore, radicalism is an ideology that must be abolished from Indonesia, because they always impose their will and want to establish a state with a caliphate system. Even though Indonesia is a pluralistic country and cannot be forced like that. The caliphate system is completely incompatible with Pancasila, therefore it is forbidden in Indonesia.

To fight radicalism, the government disbanded mass organizations with radical, extremist and terrorist ideas. They are prohibited from carrying out any activities in Indonesia, not even to display their logo on t-shirts or other items. Radical organizations will also no longer be given permission by the Ministry of Law and Security if they want to legalize their status.

The disbandment of radical mass organizations is not a fraudulent thing, because this is a preventive measure. They clearly did not comply with the rules, and permission was indeed not allowed because it was not in line with Pancasila. Whereas Pancasila is the basis of the state and must be obeyed by all Indonesian citizens.

Another way to fight radicalism is by direct education to the field, especially to schools and colleges. Do not let educational institutions be poisoned by radicalism and terrorism, with events wrapped in motivation but in fact only promotions from a radical mass organization. If it has attracted sympathy, I’m afraid that there will be recruitment of new cadres from young people, which they do on purpose.

Principals and rectors must be careful and participate in supervising, so that no student or student is brainwashed and then dissolves in radicalism. If possible, every UKM and student organization in the campus area is checked randomly and periodically, are their goals good or are they being misused?

Efforts to enforce the law against radicals are also carried out so that they do not repeat their actions. When there is a suspect in a terrorism case, he can be detained for up to 270 days (180 days plus an extension of 60 days and another extension), before finally changing his status to a defendant. This is done so that he gets a life lesson in prison and does not arbitrarily indulge in radicalism.

Meanwhile, in the anti-terrorism law, it is stated that a terrorist accused gets a minimum sentence of 4 years and can be up to 20 years, depending on the case and the guilt. However, this law also states that a terrorist accused can also be sentenced to life in prison, for example when he commits a bombing and intentionally kills many people.

This punishment is designed so that terrorist defendants will not repeat their actions again. Then, in prison, they also get detoxification of radicalism, aka resetting the understanding in their brains. So that they understand that radicalism and terrorism are wrong and it is better to raise a sense of nationalism. Homeland is dead.

Radical ideology must be removed so that it does not thrive in Indonesia, including law enforcement efforts. With these decisive actions, terrorist acts can be prevented and security stability can be maintained.

)* The author is a contributor to the Sukabumi Literacy Forum

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