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Staying Obedient to Prokes Even though Cases are Decreasing


Health protocols (Prokes) must be adhered to even though Corona cases are declining. Adherence to Prokes is expected to maintain the positive trend of controlling Covid-19, so as to accelerate the transition from pandemic to endemic.

I can’t believe we’ve been through a pandemic for more than two years. So far, the situation has changed drastically and many people are more concerned about their health and personal hygiene, for fear of being exposed to Corona. But unfortunately now they are negligent and don’t wear masks when traveling, maybe because they feel safe when the number of Corona patients decreases.

According to data from the Covid Task Force Team, as of May 11, 2022, the number of Corona patients was only 400 people. This figure is much reduced when compared to the end of last year. However, even though the number of patients has decreased, the public is still obliged to obey health protocols so as not to contract Corona.

Dicky Budiman, Epidemiologist from Australia’s Griffith University stated that the pandemic is not over yet despite the decline in Corona cases and a number of relaxations in community activities. But Corona still exists and even continues to mutate.

The new variant of Corona, according to Dicky Budiman, risks causing an explosion of new cases. Especially in areas where vaccination coverage is low, so it is prone to transmit the elderly (elderly) and children. In a sense, don’t let them become victims of Corona because their families don’t obey health protocols.

The family cluster should indeed be wary of because it could be a father or mother who works outside, carrying droplets containing the Covid-19 virus. If they don’t obey Prokes, they will get mild symptoms of Corona and pass it on to their children at home. When this happens, the number of Corona patients will rise again.

We certainly don’t want the number of Covid patients to increase, right? Therefore, continue to adhere to health protocols, even though the number of Corona cases has decreased dramatically. Wearing a mask is not only because you have escaped the officers’ raids, but it is an awareness because you don’t want to be infected with Corona out there.

Moreover, the Delta and Omicron variants of Corona can be transmitted through the air, so it is dangerous when people do not wear masks next to people without symptoms (OTG). Many people don’t know anyone around them who has OTG status. Don’t get Corona because you hang out closely with OTG and neglect health protocols.

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