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Fighting the Spread of Radicalism on Social Media


By : Rahmat Gunawan *)

The spread of radical ideas and ideologies is still a serious threat to the Indonesian people. Especially in the current digital era, the increasingly rapid development of social media has become an opportunity for radical groups to spread their understanding and ideology.

As stated by Taufiq R. Abdulah as a member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives who reminded radical groups to be very active in campaigning for radical ideas through social media. They even use social media as a way to recruit. To prevent the spread of radical ideas, it is necessary for civil society to participate in counter-narratives on social media. This effort is important in order to protect the millennial generation from understandings that are contrary to the Pancasila ideology.

The author agrees with what was conveyed by Taufiq, that the development of social media must be taken advantage of to strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation’s next generation. Do not let the progress of social media become a fertile space for the spread of radical ideas that are contrary to Pancasila and the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, we as the nation’s next generation must be active in spreading the counter-narrative of radicalism, by spreading positive things that can strengthen the integrity, unity and integrity of Indonesia.

The author invites the whole community to be aware of social media content that contains narratives containing information that divides brotherhood, diversity, and hinders the progress of the nation. Don’t easily trust content that is spread on social media because we need to cross-check the truth of the content that is spread on social media.

One of the things that caught the author’s attention was the optimization of the role of santri in anticipating radicalism that was held in Kudus. The students from one of the Islamic Boarding Schools in Kudus who participated in the activity enthusiastically. One of the students asked the attitude that should be taken towards the amount of information in the era of digitalization. Including information about radicalism that is easily accessible by all groups.

Hartopo as the Regent of Kudus appreciated the students who wanted to work together in synergy to fight radicalism. The unstoppable flood of information is indeed a negative impact of digitalization. However, students can actually take part in utilizing technology by preaching to prevent radicalism.

Radical understanding is not part of the teachings of Islam. Instead, radicalism will undermine the ideology of Pancasila which has been the basis of the Republic of Indonesia. Students need to understand and not be easily influenced by misleading information. Therefore, it is necessary to filter the information obtained before it is disseminated. The students must also understand that Islam does not teach radicalism and ridicule other groups.

According to the author, the students as one of the nation’s next generation must take advantage of the advancement of social media to invite people to stay away from radicalism. The students also need to be encouraged to apply the religious moderation that has been taught in the pesantren.

Suhadi as the Head of the Kudus Ministry of Religion explained that religious moderation is a perspective to implement Islamic teachings in context and build public benefit. Suhadi emphasized the importance of santri to take part in preventing radicalism.

By applying religious moderation, it will guide the students from an early age so that they are not instigated by the invitation of radical groups who spread ideas and ideologies that are not in accordance with the Pancasila ideology. So that the students as the next generation of the nation are not polluted with radical teachings and understandings that can damage the next generation of the nation.

In addition, the Board of Combating Extremism and Terrorism (BPET) of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Makmun Rasyid also encouraged the public to synergize with the government in combating the spread of radicalism ideology.

There are three things that can be done in the midst of society, such as counter-ideology or counter-narratives on social media, strengthening religious moderation, and maintaining local wisdom. Counter-radical-terrorism activities are continuously and effectively carried out by the entire government and society. The community needs to be involved in fighting the spread of radicalism as the substance of the 1945 Constitution mandates to jointly protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The author argues that with the advancement of social media as it is today, people are not only required to have good hard skills, but good manners as well. The public needs to be aware of the radical propaganda of terrorism on social media. Radical terrorism groups like to publish violent narratives on social media.

The author also argues that the influence of radical terrorism groups is dangerous because with narratives in the name of religion,

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