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The R20 Forum is Expected to Be Able to Present Solutions to Global Problems


The Religion Twenty Forum (R20) is one of a series of activities at the G20 Summit which will be held in Nusa Dua Bali on November 2-3, 2022. This meeting brings together several world religious leaders who discuss the role and contribution of religion in solving global crises.

The Director General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin, said that the R20 forum is expected to be able to present joint solutions in dealing with common problems that are currently being faced by the world.

“Hopefully this forum can give birth to joint ideas, joint steps in order to find joint solutions related to a number of global problems,” said Kamaruddin

“The world’s religions must be the solution to a number of global problems. We hope that this forum will find a common formulation,” continued Kamaruddin.

Furthermore, the Head of the PBNU Communication and Information Institute, Ishaq Zubaedi Raqib, said the R20 forum would invite world religious leaders to discuss solutions and the contribution of religion in solving global crises.

Ishaq also said that his party also encouraged the Secretary General of the World Muslim League to become co-chair of the R20 forum.

“Recognizing the challenges in Indonesia itself, NU and the Center for Shared Civilizational Values ​​(R20 Secretariat) invite the Secretary General of the Makkah-based World Muslim League, Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Karim al-Issa, to be co-chair of the R20 event,” said Isaac.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the World Muslim League (MWL) Sheikh Mohammed Al-Issa who has arrived in Bali and visited the house of the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster.

On this occasion the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the World Muslim League (MWL) Sheikh Mohammed Al-Issa hoped that the Religion of Twenty (R20) Forum would have a great influence in the development and building of world peace.

“The R20 meeting will inspire all religious people in the world, not only formalistic, normative meetings, but so that the results of this meeting can be realized in real life for the world community, this R20 Meeting is truly a memorable event, an impactful event, an event which will have a great influence in the development and building of world peace,” he explained.

Then the Governor of Bali Wayan Koster said he really supports and appreciates the R20 Meeting initiative in the context of the G20 Summit. “This is a very important meeting, which has a religious spiritual dimension, because leaders of religious communities around the world can gather in Bali, this is very relevant to the G20 Presidency material which will discuss 3 themes, namely: first, global health architecture; second, the acceleration of digital technology; and third, the clean energy transition.”

Therefore, the R20 Meeting which discusses harmony, tolerance, unity and unity, peace and humanity has a strong meaning and message in a Niscal manner. “Development should not only be interpreted to build the life of the worldly aspect, but also to build the spiritual and spiritual life of the world community. While the G20 Presidency Meeting discusses material related to worldly interests and needs, the R20 Meeting discusses material that is spiritual and spiritual. So that the development of the life of the world community becomes balanced and complete in Niskala – Sakala.” Close Governor Wayan Koster. (*)

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