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IKN Development Changes the Face of Indonesia in the Eyes of the World


By: Anindira Putri Maheswani)*

The development of the nation’s capital city (IKN) will change the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. Indonesia is no longer seen as a developing country that lacks potential, but this country will show a better face with a sophisticated and environmentally friendly green city IKN Nusantara.

The new capital city of Indonesia will be built in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. This development is a mega project so it will take years. The community is very impressed with the IKN concept, although it is not finished yet, it is already amazing. IKN Nusantara is not just an ordinary capital city, not a megapolitan city with giant buildings like Jakarta, but will become a sophisticated green city .

Nikolas Agung SR, President Director of PT Amarta Karya, appreciated the big concept of IKN development initiated by President Jokowi. IKN development will change the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community. In the IKN area, there will be 3 urban concepts, namely green city, smart city, and sponge city.

The international community will be amazed that their perception of East Kalimantan has changed drastically. Indonesia is a developing country and Borneo is synonymous with dense forests, maybe there is still very traditional. However, the existence of a very modern IKN will reverse this perception. Moreover, this city will become a smart city, a sponge city, as well as a green city.

Green city aka forest city is a completely new concept. There will be no fear of deforestation in Kalimantan because the capital city of Indonesia has moved from DKI Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utara. The environment will remain beautiful because forest city is a city surrounded by forests. The new capital city will be very spectacular because this is the first time there is a green city in Indonesia.

To support the forest city  , a tree nursery area has also been built, and many trees have been planted around the IKN Presidential Office. In the future, Indonesia will be highlighted because its capital city is very green and environmentally friendly. Kalimantan is one of the lungs of the world, and it is guaranteed that no forests will be cut down for the ambition of building the nation’s capital city.

Then, the smart city concept is also still newly implemented in Indonesia. IKN Nusantara is not only green but is a smart city with all the facilities that make it easier for its people. Kalimantan cannot be left behind from Java or other islands, because facilities in the form of electricity, 5G internet, and others, will enter IKN. The IKN community who are immigrants (formerly Jakarta government employees) will feel at home there.

To support the IKN smart city concept, the development is based on technology so that it is more efficient. For example, if in the past in State Institutions or Ministries, the data was printed on paper, it could be replaced with digital data which is more practical and saves space. Forms also use Google forms which are faster to fill out.

While the concept of a sponge city is a city that can absorb rainwater so that it does not directly enter the drainage channel and increase infiltration in the soil. To absorb water, trees are needed and there are 34 typical trees from the provinces in Indonesia that are planted there. A total of 20,000 tree seedlings have also been prepared, so that IKN Nusantara will not only become a green city , but also a flood-free sponge city.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi stated that the target for completion of the IKN is mid-2024, and on August 17 that year a ceremony will be held in the courtyard of the IKN Nusantara Palace. The ceremony will be held in a spirit of mutual cooperation.

When IKN Nusantara is completed, it will definitely be in the spotlight of the media, including international online newspapers. They will cover the story because this is the first time Indonesia has moved its capital city, and will be located in the middle of the country, namely East Kalimantan.

The spotlight from the international media will be very good because they do the shooting and see for themselves the greatness of IKN. Penajam Paser Utara changed drastically, from a simple area, into a sophisticated and green capital called Nusantara. Indonesia will always be in the headlines because the capital city is new and the concept is very unique and high technology.

The face of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community will change drastically. There is an assumption from several countries that seem to underestimate Indonesia, because it is only considered a developing country that is mediocre. However, with IKN with the concept of green city, sponge city, and smart city , there will be a new breakthrough. Indonesia is a developing country that strives to move forward and become an Asian tiger.

The development of the nation’s capital in North Penajam Paser is very massive, especially since IKN Nusantara will be the face of Indonesia, which shows that this country is already advanced. However, progress in IKN will not damage the environment because IKN has a green city concept , so that the existence of the area remains in the middle of a beautiful forest. Indonesia will be in the international spotlight because it has a sophisticated IKN.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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