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AMN Surabaya Inaugurated, Head of BIN Reveals Students Will Be Fostered With Pancasila Values and Unity in Diversity


Surabaya – The Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) Surabaya was inaugurated today. The Head of BIN, Budi Gunawan revealed that later the students who became residents of the building would be fostered by the values of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), General Pol ( Purn ) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan at the inauguration ceremony of AMN Surabaya on Tuesday (29/11) stated that the construction of the AMN was indeed a follow-up to President Jokowi’s direct direction.

According to him, the construction of AMN Surabaya is able to become a model for a house of diversity , especially for students who carry Pancasila values.

“We report that the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) is a follow-up to the directives of the President at the State Palace on September 10 2019. The aim of AMN development is to become a model home for diversity , a common home for the nation’s young students by carrying the values of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ,” said Budi Gunawan.

Furthermore, the Head of BIN added that in the future, Nusantara Student Dormitories would also be built in other cities in Indonesia.

“AMNs will be built in 6 locations, consisting of locations in the cities of Surabaya, Makassar, Manado, Malang, Bantul and DKI Jakarta,” he said.

The development of AMN itself, said Budi Gunawan, turned out to be a collaborative effort from many parties and ministries directly including the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

“AMN is a collaborative effort and responsibility of several institutional ministries, starting from BIN, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Education and Research and Technology , Ministry of Religion and Ministry of KKP, Regional Government and Universities,” he said.

Not only being a dormitory, but AMN has many other supporting facilities for all students.

“Aside from the dormitories, it is also equipped with communal rooms, function rooms, libraries, language laboratories, training rooms, health and consulting clinics, places of worship, sports and arts facilities, including bus transportation to pick and drop students,” explained the Head of BIN.

For now, Budi Gunawan explained that there were already 410 students who were residents of AMN Surabaya with 165 of them being Papuan students.

“The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is inhabited by 410 students with a composition of 253 boys and 157 girls, 165 Papuan students and 245 non-Papuan students,” he said.

Regarding the management itself, AMN Surabaya is managed directly by several state universities in the City of Heroes.

Nopember Institute of Technology , Airlangga University and UNESA,” said Budi Gunawan.

Furthermore, students who live in AMN Surabaya must stay for at least 2 years and they will get a lot of financial assistance to pocket money from the government.

“Students are required to stay for 2 years and are given a scholarship from the Ministry of Finance’s LPDP in the form of tuition fees, living expenses and pocket money, besides that they are also provided with a BPJS card or Healthy Indonesia Card,” explained Budi Gunawan.

In his speech, the Head of BIN also mentioned that the students would also be provided with some coaching which would be very useful for them in the future.

“In addition to the lecture program, students are also required to take part in programs to increase national insight, archipelago insight, Pancasila student character , state defense and entrepreneurship,” he explained.

Indeed, all students who live in AMN Surabaya will be prepared to become the next generation who have the passion to continue spreading the values of unity and oneness in Indonesia.

“Students at AMN are prepared to become pioneers, motivators, initiators and agents of change who are able to transmit the spirit of unity in diversity and love for the Motherland to develop their respective regions within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” concluded Budi Gunawan.

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