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UI Academics Affirm the New Criminal Code Plays a Role in Suppressing Terrorism in Indonesia


Jakarta — Head of Terrorism Study Study Program, School of Global Strategic Studies, University of Indonesia (SKSG UI), Muhammad Syauqillah emphasized that the existence of a new national Criminal Code (KUHP) has a role to suppress acts of terrorism in Indonesia.

This is because in the Criminal Code which was passed by the DPR RI some time ago, the spread of anti-Pancasila ideology is included in a criminal offense.

It is clear that the birth of a new Criminal Code is a strategic momentum related to provisions on terrorism.

“Of course this is interesting, because among other things, the spread of anti-Pancasila ideology is included in criminal offenses, and related studies are not included in criminal offenses,” he said.

Meanwhile, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Indonesia (UI), Prof. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo also added that indeed the existence of the new Criminal Code is capable of being a solution to the patternlessness of the laws that have previously been enacted in Indonesia.

Precisely with this clear pattern, according to him, it is able to cause difficulties in discussions about criminal law in the country, so that the Criminal Code is only a concrete solution.

“Why is it so necessary for us to formulate this because at this time we also still have various laws that do not have the same pattern, both in the formulation of criminalization, the type of punishment, the type of action, and the sanctions are very diverse, so this creates difficulties in in discussions about criminal law in Indonesia,” said Prof. Harkristuti.

Furthermore, he also added that there are at least 5 missions in the new Criminal Code, namely open and limited recodification, democratization, actualization, modernization to harmonization.

Prof. Harkristuti also explained that there was an open recodification mission in the new Criminal Code because there was still the possibility of other provisions being included, mainly in the special chapter in Chapter XXXV.

In this chapter, what is especially highlighted is the principle that applies to five specific crimes including serious crimes against Human Rights (HAM), acts of terrorism, acts of corruption, crimes of money laundering to narcotics crimes.

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