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The Government Continues to Conduct FGDs and Outreach Regarding the Job Creation Law


By: Farrell Haroon Jabar )*

The government conducted focus group discussions (FGD) and outreach regarding the Job Creation Law in 11 cities in Indonesia. This law continues to be disseminated so that more people know about its benefits, especially in the economic field. The Job Creation Law will have a positive impact on investment, because the state’s financial condition will improve.

The socialization was carried out so that more and more people are aware of the benefits of the Job Creation Law, especially in the economic field. This law was indeed passed 2 years ago but it is still being disseminated so that more Indonesian people understand it.

Socialization of the Job Creation Law was held in Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta and other cities. This activity was carried out to convey the importance of the Job Creation Law. The socialization was welcomed by the community, especially academics.

Academic from the University of Indonesia Achmad Santoso stated that it is hoped that the Job Creation Law can contribute to resolving the triple crisis . The first is a crisis due to the pandemic, the second is due to climate change, and the last is geopolitics.

Academics also have high hopes for the Job Creation Law, which will overcome various crises in Indonesia. The Job Creation Law can overcome the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic because it will bring a lot of investment to this country.

With an investment cluster, foreign investors will enter Indonesia, because there is a clear legal umbrella. They are facilitated to do business in Indonesia with easy regulations and not dealing with long and tiring bureaucracy. The convenience of this rule is increasingly attracting foreign investors, because there is a direct guarantee from President Jokowi.

Investment is very important to deal with the impact of the pandemic because after investors enter there will be factory construction and job creation. If there are many new investment businesses, it will automatically need a lot of employees. Meanwhile, people who have lost their jobs due to the impact of the pandemic can apply for jobs and get a better life.

Then, in the Job Creation Law there is an environmental cluster. In this cluster there are rules that society is the main element in justice and partiality. To carry out activities in the forest. So, people will pay more attention to forests and the environment so as to reduce the effects of world climate change due to global warming.

Meanwhile, an academic from Pelita Harapan University, Rizky Karo, stated that the Job Creation Law had a positive impact on the economy and workforce. In addition to increasing foreign investment, this law also has a positive effect on workers and business owners. The reason is because there is definite protection.

The workers get a guarantee in the form of a minimum wage of UMK. They also have the right to annual leave, menstruation leave, and maternity leave. Such protection has a positive effect on the economy because if workers feel comfortable, they will work more diligently. As a result, productivity increases and ultimately improves company performance, and the economy improves.

Then, the Job Creation Law also has a good effect on the economy because there is a MSME cluster. Where small and medium class entrepreneurs are given a definite legal umbrella. It is also easier for them to process permits and obtain a business license number (NIB), as well as MUI halal status. That way, the business will be more advanced and the people’s economy will increase, because 90% of Indonesian entrepreneurs are MSMEs.

With NIB, MSME businessmen can use it as one of the conditions for obtaining credit from banks. With a capital loan, it will advance the business because it can be used to buy more merchandise, renovate stores. The business will grow even though it is still at the small and medium level, because the income will increase.

Therefore, the government continues to conduct outreach and FGDs on the Job Creation Law. The reason is because this law has many benefits. Both in the economic, labor, and investment fields. The MSME cluster is also very beneficial for small entrepreneurs, so this Law must continue to be disseminated to all Indonesian people.

The community is also enthusiastic about participating in discussion forums and socialization of the Job Creation Law because they can ask academics and experts. With discussions, ordinary people will understand the benefits of the Job Creation Law, especially in the economic field. They will realize the effect of the law, because it can change people’s lives and welfare.

The government will continue to disseminate the Job Creation Law to other cities in Indonesia. The community was also enthusiastic in participating in this event. They were happy because they finally got an explanation regarding the Job Creation Law from a valid source. Then, the community also wants the outreach to be more widespread and held in many other cities in this country.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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