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Perppu Create Work Preventing Potential Economic Recession


By : Eva Kalyna Audrey )*

The existence of the potential threat of a world recession which will also impact on the people of Indonesia turned out to be saved and anticipated very well by the Government by exists publishing Perppu Create work .

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has officially issued a Substitute Government Regulation Law ( Perppu ) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation. The issuance was carried out on December 30, 2022. Not without reason why Perppu Create work must be published immediately.

According to the Coordinating Minister (Menko) of Fields Economy , Airlangga Hartato that publishing The Perppu on Job Creation was carried out because it took into account the urgent need in anticipation of global conditions, both regarding the economy and also regarding the world’s geopolitical conditions.

Therefore, with the threat from economic conditions to world geopolitics, according to him, the Government of Indonesia must immediately accelerate anticipatory efforts so that this country is able to face well when there is a global recession , an increase in inflation until threat stagflation .

The Coordinating Minister for Airlangga also said that the existence of the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision Number 91/PUU-XVII/2020 related to the previous Job Creation Law (UU) also greatly influenced the behavior of the business world, both from domestic and foreign business actors.

On the other hand, he confirm that the government continues to strive for net investment as one _ key success acceleration growth economy national . So that for him, indeed with existence Perppu Create Work This is able to provide legal certainty, especially for actors in the business world.

The reason is, in 2023 the Government of Indonesia has arranged this shape will bugdet deficit until able to be less than 3 percent and it relies on a good investment climate. So that in 2023 , the investment target owned by Indonesia will increase to IDR 1,200 trillion.

With the increased investment target, it is very important to have legal certainty. Therefore, according to the Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia existence Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation is indeed able to fill the legal vacuum and provide legal certainty so that it can become the implementation of the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision.

Please note that publishing Perppu Create Work According to the Coordinating Minister for Airlangga, this is also very much in line with laws and regulations and continues to be guided by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 38/PUU-VII/2009.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security ( Menko Polhukam ), Mahfud MD conveyed that publishing Perppu Create Work is a very strategic step taken by the Government of Indonesia in facing all global threats in the future.

government ‘s strategic steps form publishing Perppu Create Work If this is not carried out immediately, the government and this country will be left behind in anticipating the global situation which is full of uncertainties. So if there is a strategic move, but when the government is still waiting until the deadline set by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 91 of 2020, efforts to save the situation will be too late.

On the other hand, Great Master Faculty of Law (FH) Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), I Gde Pantja Oh my gosh evaluate that there are at least three main things that really compel the Government of Indonesia to do immediately publishing will Perppu Create Work in matters of urgency.

First, according to him that publishing Perppu Create Work This actually does not require approval from the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI). This is due to very clear reasons, namely the existence of a very compelling crisis and also in an urgent situation , so how caranua for can act quickly and appropriately in the context of recovering this urgent condition as soon as possible so that it returns to normal.

Second , according to I Gde Pantja Hell , publishing Perppu Create Work This is also one of the privileges that is owned by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as showing how the powers possessed by the Head of State have been guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

to the Professor of FH UNPAD is regarding with considerations , choices and methods used by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in do publishing Perppu Create work . That is, all of these things are intended to be able to respond to and overcome urgent situations, indeed completely in the hands of the President so that they are subjective, so there is concern about the potential for touching the foundations of a constitutional state and a rule of law when the Head of State issues Perppu Becomes something that is unavoidable.

With so many potential risks and threats to the global economy as a result of increasingly uncertain conditions , then existence Perppu Create Work able to save all Indonesian people from the threat of world recession.

)* The author is the Cross Nusamedia Institute

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