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PYCH Creative Platform for Papuan Youth to Develop Potential


Jayapura – The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) together with Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) have successfully implemented a number of programs to improve welfare in Papua and West Papua. This success was also realized by the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building as a potential development center for young Papuans.

PYCH is a creative forum that provides space and support for young Papuans who want to develop their potential in various fields. Meanwhile, PMI is a BIN fostered community that develops the PYCH program.

PYCH is proof that young Papuans have extraordinary potential in the arts and creativity and is also proof that youth initiatives can have a positive impact on society.

The chairman of the Port Numbay Indigenous Peoples’ Institution (LMA), Ondoafi George A. Awi expressed his gratitude to President Joko Widodo for his efforts to advance the Papuan people, especially young people.

“On behalf of the Papuan people, we thank the President for the magnificent and beautiful building facilities,” he said.

George A. Awi also expressed his gratitude to BIN Head Budi Gunawan for coaching young Papuans. PMI is an organization fostered by BIN to become the driving force for Papua’s progress.

“We urge the public to support this program. We invite our children to enter this building so that they can be nurtured, trained, trained, so that they form a good mentality. Because the Indonesian nation in the future will face extraordinary challenges of globalization, it is necessary to shape their mentality,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, one of the Coordinators at PYCH, Nanny Uswanas also thanked President Joko Widodo for the construction of the PYCH building in Jayapura, Papua.

“On behalf of the founder and all PMI members throughout Papua, I would like to thank Mr Jokowi very much for providing a platform for talent development in the land of Papua,” he said.

Nanny also expressed her gratitude to BIN for fostering and providing full support for their creations and works. It is hoped that PYCH buildings can be built in several areas in Papua. This is because the territory of Papua is very wide and its young people are scattered in other regions.

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