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Support Perppu on Job Creation to be Approved as Law


By : Eva Kalyna Audrey )*

All parties should continue to support the existence of the Job Creation Perppu which will soon be ratified by the Government through a plenary session of the DPR RI and will become a Law (UU) which is considered capable of offering many solutions related to the urgency and problems in Indonesia.

In anticipating developments and dynamics in the world economy at a global level, which of course can have a significant impact on the national economy and also have an impact on how jobs are created in Indonesia, finally the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) stipulates a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation as a form of anticipatory policy in an effort to strengthen domestic economic fundamentals through structural reforms.

The stipulation of the Job Creation Perppu is a constitutional implementation of the President’s attributive authority based on Article 22 of the 1945 Constitution. However, the exercise of this authority is also limited where the Perppu must be submitted to the Indonesian Parliament for approval. Thus the subjectivity of the President in enacting a Perppu will be assessed objectively by the DPR RI to be enacted into a Law (UU).

Then, in the holding of the Government Working Meeting together with the Legislative Body of the People’s Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) in the context of Making a Level I Discussion Decision on the Draft Bill on the Determination of the Perppu on Job Creation to become Law (UU), a decision was made that the Bill on the Determination of the Perppu on Job Creation was approved to be brought into the plenary session of the DPR RI, which aims to make a level II decision and pass it into law.

In this regard, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto together with the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security, Minister of Law and Human Rights, Deputy Minister of Religion, and representatives of the DPR RI faction who were present at the Working Meeting, signed the approval of the Republic of Indonesia DRP legislation on the Bill on the Determination of the Perpu on Job Creation to become a Law.

The Coordinating Minister for Airlangga then added that indeed the Indonesian Government had received many views from various factions and gave appreciation, both those who supported and agreed or those who did not agree. All of these views have become input for the Government in implementing the Law on the Determination of the Perppu on Job Creation to become a law later.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the DPR RI Baleg, Achmad Baidowi or Awiek stated that the Perppu Ciptaker itself would indeed be brought to the plenary session. The decision was based on the results of the Meeting of the Deliberative Body (Bamus). He even hopes that a plenary meeting can be held in the near future, so that the Perppu Ciptaker can be ratified as a law soon.

On the other hand, Deputy Speaker of the DPR Dasco previously emphasized that the PPRT Bill would continue to be discussed during trial IV for 2022-2023. Dasco said the PPRT Bill to the Perppu Ciptaker would be discussed at the Bamus Meeting. He emphasized that there was absolutely no delay, but it was indeed agreed that the discussion would be carried out during the upcoming session.

Other support for the ratification of the Work Creation Perppu as soon as possible to become a law, came from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker), Anwar Sanusi. He admitted that he was optimistic that this policy could be a solution for Indonesia to face all the uncertainties in the global economy.

Not only capable of dealing with global uncertainties, but of course these regulations are also able to become a clear legal umbrella for the development of investment and the creation of jobs in the country. He hopes that the Job Creation Perppu can soon be passed into law, because that way, all the urgency can be achieved.

Of course, with the ratification of the Job Creation Perppu into a law, this will be a new milestone for the business climate and the creation of many jobs. The ratification of this policy is also considered as a critical step to be able to secure the country’s foreign exchange.

It doesn’t end there, but it is also capable of simultaneously providing legal certainty for business actors including MSMEs. One of the points that is very important and urgent, why it is very important that the Job Creation Perppu becomes a Law is regarding the problem of employment and MSMEs in Indonesia for which a solution will be created.

The reason is, in 2022, the country’s economy skyrocketed to 5.31 percent, which is the main driver of national economic activity and includes the world of MSMEs which continues to fluctuate.

Therefore, there is absolutely no reason anymore not to support the Government’s efforts to continue to improve the acceleration of national economic recovery. One of them is the creation of a Perppu Ciptaker which will soon be passed into law. This is able to answer many critical problems in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cross Nusamedia Institute

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