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All Delegations Confirmed to Attend ASEAN Summit in Indonesia


Labuan Bajo — Indonesian President, Joko Widodo stated that all ASEAN member countries will attend the ASEAN Summit which will be held in Labuan Bajo, NTT in May 2023.

“Yes, all ASEAN members are present,” he said.

For information, ASEAN member countries consist of Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Timor Leste.

Not only all ASEAN member countries will attend and enliven the event, but public communication will continue to be maximized.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo) has a strategic role in this regard, they are also prepared to provide communication infrastructure, public communications including the delivery of substances related to digitalization and the digital economy.

The Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong stated that support for public communication was even carried out in the form of exposure to various media.

He explained that there were around 300 to 500 journalists who would be present to cover the ASEAN Summit event live.

Usman Kansong then added that with the efforts made by the Ministry of Communication and Information, it would be able to help Indonesia achieve the three targets in ASEAN chairmanship.

The three targets are implementation success, public communication success to substance success.

“So successful implementation, successful public communication then successful substance. That substance is the target of the 2023 ASEAN Summit,” he said.

With the certainty that all delegations of ASEAN member countries are present, then of course the security factor is also something that Indonesia is also preparing carefully for.

Various preparations have been made, including checking the path that will be followed by high-ranking country officials attending the ASEAN Summit.

West Manggarai Police Chief, AKBP Felli Hermanto explained that his party had checked the condition of the route that would be followed by the vehicles of the country’s leaders heading to the ASEAN Summit venue.

The check was carried out starting from Komodo Airport, including hotels to several locations that will be used for the ASEAN Summit venue.

Not only that, but the NTT Polda Ditlantas also took into account how long it would take to how many corners the delegates would pass.

“We checked the route and we also calculated the travel time by how many hours, minutes and how many corners the delegates would pass, we checked that,” said the police chief.

AKBP Felli Hermanto hoped that the delegates during their visit to Indonesia could run safely and smoothly.

“We both hope that during the visit of heads of state at the Asean Summit it will run safely and smoothly,” he concluded.

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