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Appreciation of Security Forces Maximize Susi Air Pilot Rescue Mission


By: Viktor Awoitauw )*

Efforts to save Pilot Susi Air who was held hostage by KST Papua continue to be carried out optimally by all levels of the security apparatus with various steps and strategies, which continue to prioritize persuasive steps and also negotiations with many parties. Of course, this is the right move to make because it will prevent all sorts of bad things from happening on Earth of Cenderawasih.

The pilot of Susi Air Airlines, Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, is currently being held hostage by the Papuan separatist and terrorist group (KST) led by Egianus Kogoya. It is known, it has been about 3 (three) months since the hostage-taking took place, namely since the mob set fire to the Susi Air plane piloted by the man of New Zealand citizenship, namely on Tuesday, 7 February 2023.

Responding to the hostage-taking incident, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin who is also the Chairman of the Papua Steering Committee (BPP) revealed that to respond to this case, the Indonesian Government continues to make efforts and continues to be careful in its rescue mission. pilots in order to be able to continue to maintain the safety of the parties concerned, including also absolutely not wanting any casualties from any party.

In fact, it is absolutely undeniable that all security forces from the joint personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in the country are certainly very capable of quickly and have the power to carry out the release of but of course calculations are also being carried out so that the rescue mission does not result in anyone being injured or injured.

Moreover, in fact Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens himself is a pilot from a foreign citizen (WNA) who has full rights to be able to get maximum protection in Indonesian territory. So, of course, all levels of the security apparatus will do their best to try to save the mission and annihilate KST Papua.

In fact, the mission to free the Susi Air Pilot from the hands of a mob of separatist and terrorist groups in Bumi Cenderawasih led by Egianus Kogoya has also been discussed in an internal meeting, where direct instructions have also been given to all levels of the security forces of the TNI, Polri and BIN to carry out rescue efforts. while continuing to maintain conducive conditions and security in Papua on the other hand.

A coordination meeting has been held by the Government of Indonesia, and also a very strong commitment has been made by all parties to specifically try to free the hostages but on the other hand they are still trying to maintain security so that they are completely able to minimize any casualties.

Therefore, the security forces as well as the Government of the Republic of Indonesia continue to seek diplomacy as one of the main steps in order to continue to be able to maintain the safety of the hostages. However, of course the security forces will not only stop at diplomacy, but have also prepared several other alternative steps.

It is also important that the Government of Indonesia and the security forces have a strategic or other reserve, in case if it turns out that peaceful diplomacy efforts might still fail in the rescue mission of the Susi Air Pilot.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Christina Aryani firmly believes that all ranks of the joint security personnel from the TNI, Polri and BIN are able to free Pilot Philip mark Mehrtens who was taken hostage by KST Papua.

How could it not be, because so far all levels of the security forces themselves have had a series of good and very measurable strategies. The first approach, which is a priority to do, is a persuasive approach.

Therefore, full moral support continues to flow from all elements of society in Indonesia to fully support the efforts of the security forces in the field to try their best to free the Susi Air Pilot. There is also a lot of optimism given by the community at the ranks of the TNI, Polri and BIN because they are armed with a wealth of experience and training which has been carried out rigorously so far, so that the task of releasing the release can be completed very well on time.

So far, the steps taken by the security forces to prioritize negotiations by cooperating with all parties, including other persuasive approaches, have been considered by many members of the public to be the right choice of steps in the field. Precisely this persuasive approach is considered an important key because it is considered to minimize casualties, then it will also be able to minimize the effects and negative impacts on solving problems in Papua.

The rescue mission of the Susi Air Pilot, namely Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, continues to be maximally attempted by all levels of the security apparatus. This persuasive step with great care received a lot of support and appreciation from various parties in the community.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung 

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